
dompdf is an HTML to PDF converter included in Tiki
Since Tiki18, mPDF is the recommended PDF generator
Also: if you want to generate PDFs from a web-based slideshow, you should really upgrade to Tiki19 (the slideshow has been massively improved). dompdf has been completely removed.


dompdf is an HTML to PDF converter

dompdf support was added in Tiki9 to export the Slideshow to PDF.

Collection of References on doc.tiki.org

  • Print general info about printing
  • PDF general overview about PDF creation in Tiki
  • mPDF create PDFs from Tiki content (advanced library that works even on shared hosting). Recommended for Tiki18+
  • PluginPDF alter default settings of mPDF per wiki page
  • PluginPDFPageBreak add a page break for PDFs created with mPDF
  • PluginMediaPlayer display PDF file from file gallery
  • PDF.js viewer PDF.js from Mozilla
  • ViewerJS: a script to view PDFs and ODFs, which bundles WebODF
  • PluginArchiveBuilder Generate a zip file, including PDFs from wiki pages
  • WeasyPrint A PDF generation option in Python
  • wkhtmltopdf create PDFs from Tiki content (needs root installation)
  • dompdf once used for PDF print of slideshows

List Slides