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Wiki Syntax | Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Wiki Syntax

Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware has a rich and flexible system for formatting and presenting pages. This page describes how to format text, using wiki syntax, on wiki pages and other area that support wiki formatting (including articles, forums, and blogs).

About wiki syntax

Wiki syntax is a markup language used in a wiki web page. (For a broader overview of wiki syntax, please see Why Wiki Syntax Is Important.) To avoid requiring users to learn HTML, wiki syntax uses common characters in uncommon ways (or character combinations that are not normally used together) and provides them with a special meaning. Some of the character combinations only work at the beginning of a line, while others can be inserted anywhere in the text and are active until a closing combination of characters is met.

Wiki syntax uses a character repeated twice for most functions, but it also has a few two-character combinations. With a two-character combination, the characters are reversed to turn off the function. Monospaced text provides a good example of this; the minus (-) and plus (+) characters are used to start the using monospaced text and plus (+) and minus (-) characters specify the end of it.

Quick reference - basic text formatting

Desired Formatting Syntax Result or description
Bold __text__ text
Centered ::text::
Colored Text ~~blue:text~~ text
Italic ''text'' ''text''
Monospaced -+text+- -+text+-
Underlined ===text=== text
Text in a box ^text^
Display syntax ~np~__not bold__~/np~ ~np~__not bold__~/np~
Headings !Heading 1
!!Heading 2
!!!Heading 3

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Show/Hide sections !+, !!- (Headings display with plus or minus sign in brackets which, when clicked, show or hide the content following the heading.)
Autonumbered Headings !#, !!#, !+#, !-# ... (Headings display numbered in outline format.)
Table of contents {toc}, {maketoc} These create a table of contents for the current page based on structures (toc) or headings (maketoc).
Dynamic variables %Name% Inserts an editable variable. See Dynamic Variable.
External links []
Square brackets [[foo] [foo]
Wiki references/links ((Homepage))
((Homepage|the homepage))
the homepage
Lists * at the left margin for bullet lists
# for numbered lists
;Word:definition for definiton lists
(Use * or # or ; and : at the left margin - in left-to-right languages - to create lists.)
Indentation + or ++ at the left margin (Creates an indent for each plus character, useful in a list to place following text at the same indent level as the list item.)
Table || row1-col1 | row1-col2 | row1-col3 (here you need a physical carriage returns) row2-col1 | row2-col2 | row2-col3 ||
row1-col1 row1-col2 row1-col3
row2-col1 row2-col2 row2-col3
Title bar -=Title=-
Line break Linebreak "%%%" (useful especially in tables) Linebreak
(useful especially in tables)
Multi-page pages
List Slides