Tiki12 | |
To check all the commits in this branch, see:
Tiki 12.0 | |
Tiki 12.1 | |
Tiki 12.2 | |
Tiki 12.3 | |
Tiki 12.4 | |
Tiki 12.5 | |
Tiki 12.6 | |
Tiki 12.7 | |
This had a regression which made it incompatible with PHP5.3 in some circumstances. Please use Tiki12.8 instead. |
Tiki 12.8 | |
Tiki 12.9 | |
Tiki 12.10 | |
Tiki 12.11 | |
Known Installation Issue: Composer error | |
For people who install through svn up then sh setup.sh, the "c" command sometimes blows up with a:
Copy to clipboard
Then sh setup.sh works fine. |
Known Installation Issue: Timeout when installing with InnoDB option | |
We are aware that a minority of users have timeout issues when choosing InnoDB instead of MyISAM as the database engine in the web installer. The workaround for this problem is to install using MyISAM and then running db/tiki_convert_myisam_to_innodb.sql in order to convert the databases to InnoDB. Page contents: |
What is new or improved in Tiki 12 | |
1.1. Activity Stream | |
It allows to create social network activity streams within Tiki. In order to create them, you will need to define what the important events are in your system. Events like "tracker item created" or "wiki page modified" will rarely make sense to your users looking at an activity stream. Instead, they may be interested when photos posted by their friends. The activity stream feature allows to intercept system event, filter them and trigger new events. These new events can be recorded and indexed, which will allow them to be displayed in an activity stream. |
1.2. Admin users | |
You have many more filtering options to select users from the users list. You can filter by a search string in the username, by exact email, by the fact that users didn't validate their account, etc. All of them using the jQuery Sortable Tables feature. |
1.3. Admin wizard | |
See #Admin_Wizard below |
1.4. Advanced Rating | |
Some new functions have been added in Tiki 12.5: less-than, more-than and contains. See Advanced Rating |
1.5. Articles | |
Links are shown at the top of the page, as in other tiki features, to add a new article or submission, or view/list articles, provided that the user has the permission to do that action. See Articles |
1.6. Auto TOC | |
Automatic generation of Table of Contents (TOC) for all wiki pages. The page author doesn't have to do anything. Auto TOC generates 2 tables of contents.
1.7. Banning multiple registration IPs from user management | |
Since Tiki 12.3, admins can easily ban multiple IPs from spam registrations directly with just a few clicks. They can also optionally remove the user accounts and their user tracker items, as well as their user pages. See Users |
1.8. Blogs | |
Private blog post links are filtered from other users on adjacent blog navigation link. See Blogs |
1.9. Categories | |
There is a new preference so that the object count can be disabled on tiki-browse_categories for large sites (over 40 seconds to load on one example site for instance). See Categories |
1.10. Console | |
New commands have been integrated in the console.php script:
1.11. File Gallery | |
elFinder was introduced in Tiki 10 as an optional feature, and it is intended to replace the previous file gallery manager in Tiki 12. It allows using a new more visual way to manage files and folders, with drag and drop features within the file galleries, and also from a local desktop and the tiki file gallery.
1.12. Forums | |
New forum setting to allow optional display, in each forum reply to a thread topic, of the Rating by each user to that forum thread topic. Useful to ease the task to reach consensus on deliberations (in forum threads) by identifying in a more clear way the position (topic rating) of each person on that topic at each moment on the discussion.
1.13. Friendship Network | |
Complete re-implementation, removing the neglected mention on the feature. Changes include:
1.14. Inline editing | |
1.14.1. Wiki Inline editing | |
Edit wiki pages inline, in a similar way to the feature Tracker inline edit that was added in Tiki11: Fix a typ-o in 3 seconds. Inline editing is a fast and highly user-friendly way to edit wiki pages in wysiwyg mode.
1.15. Layout Switching | |
1.16. Mail Queue fixed | |
Mail Queue has been fixed. See Mail Queue, which can be very useful in very active sites sending lots of notification emails. (N.B. Historical note: Prior to Tiki 12.2 the command was ./sendmail.php) |
1.17. Mail debug | |
A new option "File (debug)" has been added to the "General Admin Panel > General preferences (tab) > Mail > Mail Sender" to allow the site admin to debug any potential issues with the sending of emails related to notifications, user or groupwatches, etc. The emails are still recorded in the Tiki System Log as if they were sent, but they are stored as files on disk under this folder and file structure: Copy to clipboard
1.18. Mail-in improved | |
Mail-in service has been fixed and updated in Tiki12 The new things include
For more information, see Mail-in |
1.19. Maps | |
1.20. Messages | |
There is a new option to allow truncating internal message notification to a certain number of characters (you can set it up in Admin home > Messages) |
1.21. Mobile | |
Mobile mode display has been extensively improved in Tiki12.
1.22. Modules | |
1.22.1. Module since_last_visit_new improved | ||||||
Since Tiki 12.1, it also displays the new calendars and their events created since the last visit. In addition, some icons have been slightly modififed in the JQuery presentation mode, so that they can distinguish similar but different content (blogs from blog posts, file galleries from files, tracker items created from updated, etc). See an example below. Same content is shown in both displays of the module for the same site:
1.22.2. Module users_list ported | |
Former module users_list, only available in mods and for older tiki versions, has been ported to Tiki 12.1.
![]() |
1.23. Monitoring | |
1.24. Performance | |
Statistics added for Zend OpCache in the "Admin home > Performance" panel. |
1.25. Plugins | |
New and/or Improved Plugins below. |
1.25.1. Plugin Articles | |
Improved Plugin. Shows a link at the bottom to facilitate adding a new article or submission if the user has permission to do so. See PluginArticles |
1.25.2. Plugin FancyTable | |
Improved plugin. As usual you can sort by one or more columns, and nowadays you can also filter you results by searching for some string in one or more columns. In the example below, sorted by one column ("Percentage"), and filtered by content in another column ("Native name" containing "de"):
1.25.3. Plugin Img | |
Improved plugin. Image magnification has been added to plugin image. Full size image appears with zoom option in a "Colorbox" overlay when thumbnail is clicked. {flash type="url" movie="display907" width="894" height="717"} See PluginImg |
1.25.4. Plugin Local Files | |
New Plugin. Assist in showing links to files or directories on local drives or shared file servers.
See PluginLocalFiles |
1.25.5. Plugin MediaPlayer | |
Improved plugin. Media player plugin uses it's own mp3 and flv players. |
1.25.6. Plugin Slider | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
New themes added in Tiki 12.1
1.25.7. Plugin Together | |
New Plugin to use the experimental service for your website from mozilla labs called TogetherJS, that makes it surprisingly easy to collaborate in real-time: notify unique urls, co-write, talk, follow pages visited by your buddies. TogetherJS is alpha-quality software. We do not recommend using it in production at this time, even if it looks promising as a Real Time Collaboration (RTC) tool. Formerly known as TowTruck.
1.25.8. Plugin TrackerList | |
Improved plugin. You can define some parameters to use the new version of jquery sortable tables library, allowing you to produce tables that can be sorted and filtered on the fly by one or more columns, in a similar way to what can be achieved in #Plugin_FancyTable shown above. In addition, you can display last comment author and date in the table, through a new option in the tracker edition > "Features > Allow comments > Display last comment author and date". |
1.25.9. Plugin TrackerFilter | |
When the param "sortable=y" is added and "jquery sortable tables" feature is enabled, the list of displayed results show a field on top which allows filtering in real time the results shown in the table, in a similar way to what can be achieved in #Plugin_FancyTable shown above. |
1.25.10. Plugin WebDocViewer | |
New Plugin. It allow displaying many types of documents online, embedded in your Tiki pages.
1.26. Profiles | |
This is part of: Configuration Management for Tiki Projects
1.26.1. Profiles wizard | |
See #Profiles_Wizard below |
1.27. Ratings | |
1.27.1. Option to toggle the detailed rating results | ||||
Simple average of ratings has been added for Articles (Tiki 12.1), and a new setting has been added in "Admin home > Rating > User Interface" to toggle the display of the detailed results, as well as to whether include the explicit percentage or not. See Ratings
1.27.2. Rating on Articles from PluginArticles | |
You can rate an article directly from PluginArticles if the article shows the whole content in the heading, and nothing is left in the article body. |
1.27.3. Rating Language | |
Advanced Rating language now permits to round values and concat. |
1.27.4. Rating permission to view results | |
There is a new permission to grant groups of users to see the results: tiki_p_ratings_view_results See Ratings
1.27.5. Show ratings in a forum thread list | |
When you use rating in a forum (See Rating, you can display the rating results in the thread list for the first message of every thread (thread topic). If detailed results and rating smileys are both enabled, they are also included in the thread details.
1.28. Restore Database | |
For development environments that need to replicate a production environment, new directives allow the installer to restore the database "Clean Install" from a database dump instead of the default Tiki database. This feature allows site administrators to quickly replicate a site, test changes locally and return to the original state. Combined with profile development, this allows to test the site upgrade path. Documentation is available in the bundled db/install.ini.dist file. This is part of: Configuration Management for Tiki Projects |
1.29. Search Index statistics | |
Search Index statistics are added in command line interface, in a similar way to what is shown in the "Admin home > Search" panel, when using advanced search and rebuilding the unified search index. |
1.30. Search all database tables tool | |
In the admin search panel, there is a new tool.
It enables a text search in all text columns in all tables.
1.31. Smarty template engine | |
New preference to allow addition of extra dirs to be used for custom icons etc., respected by the security checks. |
1.32. Switch user now has a way back | |
As an administrator, after switching to a different user, returning to the login screen will propose to switch back to your own user, avoiding to re-login. |
1.33. Syntax highlighter (Codemirror) upgraded | |
The syntax highlighter (CodeMirror) has been upgraded from 2.x to latest stable version (3.16). This brings new features such as right-to-left language support, smarty syntax mode, a many more.
1.34. Trackers improved | |
1.35. Unified index | |
Support for MySQL Full Text Search and Elasticsearch as engines has been introduced for unified index. These engines are complete alternatives to the Lucene (PHP Implementation). All user interface components and plugins (such as PluginList, PluginCustomSearch, ...) will keep working and the documentation available in Search and List from Unified Index still applies. Elasticsearch requires a server to be installed. It provides several benefits:
1.36. User Encryption | |
User encryption aims to a provide secure, personal storage of sensitive data, e.g. external usernames and passwords. Planned for Tiki 12.2 User encryption is first implemented in the Tiki 13 trunk (the development branch), where it is currently being tested. It is planned to be included in the Tiki 12.2.
1.37. User wizard | |
See #User_Wizard below |
1.38. Wiki Argument Variables | |
A few new wiki argument variables have been added. Some of them were introduced to ease the task to create simple templates for document management and revision approval systems, such as iso9001/iso14001. These variables allow to define custom information layout in the page header (Author Name, Last edited on, Document Version, and equivalent for revised and approved versions):
1.39. Windows Azure | |
1.40. Wizards | |
This new feature facilitates tiki admins or normal users to set up their basic settings in a group of screens the show a reduced set of basic settings for them. The admin wizard is shown up by default to all new admins, while as of Tiki 12.0, the User Wizard needs to be launched in purpose, so far. |
1.40.1. Admin Wizard | ||||
The admin wizard shows up for tiki admins when they first log in, enabling them to easily configure the main features of Tiki without the need to navigate through all admin panels. It will allow the admin to easily choose among a few options of wiki editor (wysiwyg and in html or in wiki syntax), inline editing, etc.
1.40.2. Profiles Wizard | |
This wizard shows the admin some information about the most recommended profiles to apply, either to set up your site with a featured configuration template, add some useful extra configuration or show a demonstration of potentially interesting features for you, just with a few clicks. Featured
1.41. Upgrade Wizard | |
This Wizard will guide you through the most common new settings and informations in order to upgrade your site:
1.41.1. User Wizard | ||||
This wizard will help users to fill in the main settings for their accounts in that website. Depending on the features enabled by the site admin, users will be offered more or less options. User Wizard: User Details (through User Tracker)The User Wizard allows showing a new section called "User Details" provided that the admin has setup a User Tracker and defined the fields to be shown. Those fields can be the same ones shown at registration time (default) or can be a different set of fields from the same User Tracker. Since the user Tracker can include "Static Text" fields, users can be shown Custom informations for their users, specific of their own Tiki site. Some demostration fields are included in the suggested profile User_Trackers to set it up easily.
1.42. Zoombox for images | |
See #Plugin_Img |
Fixed in 12.x | |
Fixed in 12.0 | |
... |
Fixed in 12.1 | |
... |
Fixed in 12.2 | |
Copy to clipboard
Known Issues | |
** Known Limitations ** | |
** Upgrading ** | |
Blog posts containing HTML | |
Blog posts with content containing HTML may not display properly after upgrading - place the blog post content within PluginHTML to solve this issue. PluginHTML needs to be approved - if you are converting many blog posts go to tiki-plugins.php to approve in bulk. |
local.php | |
If you had defined in your former ./db/local.php something like Copy to clipboard
and after the upgrade you notice that you can't edit some pages, of weird characters are displayed in some rare places, you can try removing that line from your ./db/local.php . |
Mobile permissions | |
If you applied the Mobile profile in the past, and you get a "permission denied" message when you attempt to see the site in mobile mode, you need to grant the permissions to view perspectives to anonymous users:
Search Index | |
After the upgrade, the Search and List from Unified Index may take longer to rebuild, at least the first time that you are with this new Tiki version. If the link "Rebuild index" at the "Admin search" panel doesn't produce a successful reindexing, you can do that on a terminal server side, while setting a higher amount of memory for the process, and forcing an initial clean-up of index leftovers. Therefore, you could run something like: Copy to clipboard
Copy to clipboard
Syntax for short links invalid | |
In past Tiki versions such as Tiki9, wrong syntax to point in a url to a specific tab was accepted. Example:
Themes | |
Some CSS changes were introduced for themes between 11.x and 12.x: Site Logo & Site titlesThe former #sitelogo, #sitetitle and #sitesubtitle IDs have been changed to classes .sitelogo, .sitetitle and .sitesubtitle . Please make these changes in your theme CSS after upgrade if you formerly styled using any of those css selectors. Strasa.css login background colorIf you were using strasa.css theme style, you might miss the background color of the login module in the header, getting white text font over white background temporarily.
Pages linking to Tiki12
42 pages link to Tiki12
Tiki12.0 | TikiWiki12 | TikiWiki12.0 | TikiWiki 12.0 | TikiWiki 12 | Tiki 12 | Tiki 12.0 | Tiki12LTS | Tiki12 LTS | Tiki 12 LTS |