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Theme Generator | Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Theme Generator

The goal of this feature is to make it easier to make a custom theme without special training and special software. All point & click, in the browser.

Brosho CSS Assistant

New in Tiki6.

Brosho is a jQuery plugin which helps you edit your CSS, directly in the broswer.


Visit tiki-admin.php?page=look and pick "Custom CSS" tab.

  1. Activate CSS Assistant
  2. Mouse-over and click the item (ex.: image, text, menu, etc.) you want to style
  3. Enter CSS (ex.: background: yellow;) and you will see the result in real time.
  4. Click "Copy" to Copy to Custom CSS
    • Custom CSS overrides CSS (that's the Cascading part!)

Drag & drop layout builder

New in Tiki7.

All elements in the site layout (logo, login box, site title, etc.) are now positioned via drag & drop.

To use, visit tiki-admin_modules.php

Background info: Modules Revamp

Color, Borders and Typography picker

New in Tiki7.

Colors: Foreground Colors, Background Colors
Borders: Border Colors, Border Widths, Border Styles, Border Radii
Typography: Font Sizes, Line Heights

This simple interface will let you override CSS.

Visit tiki-admin.php?page=look and pick "Theme Generator" tab.

Edit CSS

See: Edit CSS

Edit Templates

See: Edit Templates

List Slides
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