Warning: Undefined variable $basepath in /home/tiki-doc/public_html/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_img.php on line 953
Warning: Undefined variable $basepath in /home/tiki-doc/public_html/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_img.php on line 953 Shadow Layer | Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
You must have your 'site layout' set to classic in order to see this tab. These options are for legacy support only.
Shadow Layer tab
Shadow layer
This is a legacy but useful option that activates extra divs in the site layout template file that can be used for styling purposes. Not all site layout templates (selected under the "Theme" tab) support this feature.
Main shadow start
The tag
and the contents of this textarea are placed just below the top of the HTML body
Main shadow end
The closing tag of id="main-shadow" and the content of this textarea are placed just before the body closing tag.
Header shadow start
The tag
and the contents of this textarea are placed just before the page-header divs.
Header shadow end
The closing tag of id="header-shadow" and the contents of this textarea are placed just after the page-header divs.
Middle shadow start
The tag
and the contents of this textarea are placed just before the middle of the page divs.
Middle shadow end
The closing tag of id="middle-shadow" and the contents of this textarea are placed just after the middle of the page divs.
Center shadow start
The tag
and the contents of this textarea are placed just before the center-column div.
Center shadow end
The closing tag of id="center-shadow" and the contents of this textarea are placed just after the center-column div.
Footer shadow start
The tag
Footer shadow end
The closing tag of id="footer-shadow" and the contents of this textarea are placed just after the page-footer div.
Module (box) shadow start
The tag
and the contents of this textarea are placed just before each module div (a module in Tiki parlance is a container like a Bootstrap panel).
Module (box) shadow end
The closing tag of class="box-shadow" and the contents of this textarea are placed just after each module div.
Shadow Layer tab
Shadow layer
Additional layers for shadows, rounded corners or other decorative styling