1. Create a tracker with at least one field on type "page selector"
- Set automatic feeding=1 by typing the number 1 into the field below "page selector"
Example : my tracker 88 has these 3 fields
2. Next, I can paste this code into a new wiki page named Tracker88 and get a Pretty Tracker wiki page.
Copy to clipboard [tracker88]
{TRACKERLIST(trackerId=88, fields=387:388:389, view=page, max=-1, wiki=tracker page selector tpl) /}
!To change the info of the page
{TRACKER(trackerId=88, fields=387:389, view=page)}Info has been changed{TRACKER}
3. To get this code to work with your tracker, you will need to replace trackerId=88 with the specific number for your tracker. To find your tracker ID#, go to your Admin Tracker page and to the left of the tracker name is the Tracker Id#.
4. You will also need to replace fields=387:388:389, with the specific fields for your tracker. To find your tracker field#'s, go to your Admin Tracker page, click on the tracker that you are working with, and then click on this button at the top of the page "Edit this Trackers fields". On this next page, to the left of each tracker field is the tracker field Id#.
The first time, the page will look like this:
and would look like this after the info is entered
The plugin TRACKERLIST uses the functionality called pretty-tracker that use a wiki page to display the content of an item
The wiki page 'tracker page selector tpl contains:
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