New in Tiki27, this wiki plugin extends PluginPluginManager to be generic for all preferences, and tracker field options.
So, it can List wiki plugin, module, preference or tracker field documentation for the site Introduced in Tiki 27. Go to the source code Preferences required: wikiplugin_tikidocfromcode
Parameters |
Accepted Values |
Description |
Default |
Since |
limit |
digits |
Number of plugins to show. Can be used either with start or plugin as the starting
point. Must be an integer 1 or greater. |
27 |
module |
text |
Name of a module (e.g., calendar_new), or list separated by | , or range separated
by - . Single module can be used with limit parameter. |
27 |
plugin |
text |
Name of a plugin (e.g., backlinks), or list separated by | , or range separated
by - . Single plugin can be used with limit parameter. |
27 |
preference |
text |
Name of a preference (e.g., bigbluebutton_dynamic_configuration), or list separated by | , or range separated
by - . Single preference can be used with limit parameter. |
27 |
prefsexport |
text |
Default preferences export with columns name, description, location or list more separated by | . |
name | description | locations |
27 |
start |
digits |
Start with this plugin record number (must be an integer 1 or greater). |
27 |
trackerfield |
text |
Name of a tracker field, or list separated by | , or range separated
by - . Single preference can be used with limit parameter. |
27 |
type |
text |
Type of the object to get tiki doc from (e.g: plugin, module, preference, ...) |
27 |
paramtype |
alpha |
Only list parameters with this doctype setting. Set to none to show only
parameters without a type setting and the body instructions. |
27 |
singletitle |
(blank) top table |
Set placement of plugin name and description when displaying information for only one plugin |
none |
27 |
titletag |
alnum |
Sets the heading size for the title, e.g., h2 . |
h3 |
27 |
info |
Determines what information is shown. Values separated with | .
Ignored when singletitle is set to top or none . |
description | parameters | paraminfo |
27 |
showparamtype |
(blank) y n |
Show the parameter doctype value. |
27 |
showtopinfo |
(blank) y n |
Show information above the table regarding preferences required and the first
version when the plugin became available. Shown by default. |
27 |
This code:
Copy to clipboard {pluginmanager info="description|parameters|paraminfo" plugin="tikimanager"}
Would produce on this site:
Embed partial or full Tiki Manager instance management functionality in a wiki page. Introduced in Tiki 25. Go to the source code Preferences required: feature_tiki_manager, wikiplugin_tikimanager
Parameters |
Accepted Values |
Description |
Default |
Since |
hideactions |
separator: , |
Comma-separted list of actions hidden from the interface. If none are listed, all actions will be available by default. |
25.0 |
instanceIds |
separator: , |
Comma-separted list of instance IDs available to manage. For a full list, use Tiki Manager admin page. |
25.0 |
showactions |
separator: , |
Comma-separted list of actions shown in the interface. If none are listed, all actions will be available by default. |
25.0 |