

Introduced in Tiki4

Use this wiki plugin to arrange content into tabs.


Arrange content in tabs
Introduced in Tiki 4. Required parameters are in bold.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: wikiplugin_tabs

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
(body of plugin) Tabs content, separated by "/////"
tabs text Pipe-separated list of tab titles. Example:tab 1|tab 2|tab 3 4.0
panelbgcolor text Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5). 25.0
panelbordercolor text Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5). 25.0
panelborderwidth text To change the width of panel border in pixels (1 by default). For example: 3 for 3 pixels 1 25.0
panelfontsize text To set the size of the text in pixels. For example: 20 for 20 pixels 16 25.0
paneltextcolor text Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5). 25.0
tabactivebgcolor text Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5). 25.0
tabactivetextcolor text Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5). 25.0
tabbgcolor text Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5). 25.0
tabbordercolor text Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5). 25.0
tabborderwidth text To change the width of tabs border in pixels (1 by default). For example: 3 for 3 pixels 1 25.0
tabfontsize text To set the size of the tabs text in pixels. For example: 20 for 20 pixels 16 25.0
tabtextcolor text Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5). 25.0
name text Unique tabset name (if you want the last state to be remembered). Example:user_profile_tabs 4.0
inside_pretty (blank)
Parse pretty tracker variables within tabs n 8.0
panelborderstyle (blank)| none| hidden| dotted| dashed| solid| double| groove| ridge| inset| outset Determine the kind of border to apply to the panels none 25.0
panelfontweight (blank)
Use to define the thickness of the text characters to be displayed in the panels normal 25.0
paneltextstyle (blank)
Use to change the panels text style normal 25.0
tabborderstyle (blank)| none| hidden| dotted| dashed| solid| double| groove| ridge| inset| outset Determine the kind of border to apply to the tabs none 25.0
direction (blank)
Change direction of tabs (horizontal by default). horizontal 25.0
tabfontstyle (blank)
Use to specify the font style of the tabs text normal 25.0
tabfontweight (blank)
Use to define the thickness of the text characters to be displayed in the tabs normal 25.0
toggle (blank)
Allow toggling between tabs and no-tabs view y 8.0


This code:

Copy to clipboard
{TABS(name="user_tabset_01" tabs="Title 1|Title 2|Title3")}This is the content of the first tab ///// This is the content of the second tab ///// This is the content of the third tab {TABS}

Would produce:

This is the content of the first tab

This is the content of the second tab

This is the content of the third tab

When clicking on a tab name, the content of each tab is loaded and shown without refreshing the browser window.

And when clicking on the "No Tabs" option, the display would change into:

tiki4_plugin_tabs_01.png (13.01 Kb)

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Plugintabs | Plugintab | PluginTab | Plugin Tabs | Plugin tabs

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