Parameters |
Accepted Values |
Description |
Default |
Since |
fileIds |
any string except for HTML and PHP tags |
List of IDs of images from the file galleries, separated by commas. |
contentbg |
text |
Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5). |
19.0 |
contenttextcolor |
text |
Enter a valid CSS color hex code; for example, #000, #fff, #ccc. |
19.0 |
bgimage |
text |
Enter image URL, in the case of a single image. |
19.0 |
fgalId |
separator: : |
Enter file gallery ID for slideshow background. |
19 |
transitiondelay |
digits |
Time interval to pause before moving to the next slide, in seconds. |
5 |
19.0 |
bgrepeat |
repeat cover norepeat |
Options are cover, repeat, no-repeat |
n |
19.0 |
contentradius |
text |
Enter px or % to give the content round corners; for example, 10px. |
19.0 |
contentboxshadow |
text |
To create a shadow around the content, for example: 10px 10px 5px grey, 1px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2). |
19.0 |
footer |
y n |
Set to No to hide the footer (bottom module zone). |
y |
19.0 |
header |
y n |
Set to No to hide the page header (top module zone). |
y |
19.0 |
leftcolumn |
y n |
Set to No to hide the left column. |
y |
19.0 |
rightcolumn |
y n |
Set to No to hide the right column. |
y |
19.0 |
fullwidth |
n y |
Override fixed width, if set, to have liquid layout. |
n |
19.0 |
bgcolor |
text |
Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5). |
19.0 |
topmargin |
text |
Enter value in % or px; for example, 30%, 300px. Default is 0. |
0 |
19.0 |
contentwidth |
text |
Enter page content width in px or %; for example, 1000px, leave blank for same width as page body.) |
19.0 |
footerwidth |
text |
Enter page footer width in px or %; leave blank for same width as page body. |
0 |
19.0 |
headerwidth |
text |
Enter page header width in px or %; leave blank for same width as page body. |
0 |
19.0 |
nosidemargins |
n y |
Enable background images, etc. to span the complete width of the page. |
n |
20.0 |
actionbuttons |
y n |
Set to No to hide the page action buttons. |
y |
19.0 |
pagebottombar |
y n |
Set to No to hide the pagebottom module zone. |
y |
19.0 |
pagetopbar |
y n |
Set to No to hide the pagetop module zone. |
y |
19.0 |
topbar |
y n |
Set to No to hide the topbar (top module zone). |
y |
19.0 |