Warning: Undefined variable $filepath in /home/tiki-doc/public_html/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tikidocfromcode.php on line 146
PluginLastMod | Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Plugin Last Modification

Introduced in Tiki2

Use this wiki plugin to display the last modification date of the current or named page.


Tiki Doc From Code error: lastmod not found
There is a bug In some versions causing nothing to show if the page parameter is not set. In this case, page="/" can be used to show the last modification date of the current page.
Wiki Argument Variables can be used to specify current page.


No Page Name

This code,
Copy to clipboard

Would produce on this site:
Sunday 11 August, 2019 04:20:02 GMT-0000

Use / to indicate current page

This code,
Copy to clipboard
{lastmod page="/"}

Would produce on this site:
Monday 03 March, 2025 19:14:19 GMT-0000

Page Name Specified

This code,
Copy to clipboard
{lastmod page="HomePage"}

Would produce on this site:
Tuesday 27 June, 2023 18:05:46 GMT-0000

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