
Footnote and Footnote Area Plugins

These wiki plugins, work together to create automatically numbered footnotes. The superscript footnote numbers (like this[1]) and text are set with the Footnote plugin, and then are displayed using the Footnote Area (Footnotearea) plugin.


Create automatically numbered footnotes (together with PluginFootnoteArea)
Introduced in Tiki 3.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: wikiplugin_footnote

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
(body of plugin) The footnote
class Add class to footnotearea 14.0
sameas Tag to existing footnote number 5.0
sameastag Tag to existing footnote by its Tag 15.0
scheme Segregate footnotes by class in footnotearea. Apply different numbering style (optional) 17.0
tag Tag footnote with unique identifier 15.0


The parameters are optional for these plugins (nothing is required between the parentheses) but here are the steps that need to be followed for them to work:

  1. Place the Footnote plugin just after the text to be footnoted.
    • This will create a superscript footnote number next to the text.
    • The footnote number automatically links to the footnote text (of course this link only works if the Footnotearea plugin is also used).
    • The footnote numbers are automatically incremented based on how many Footnote plugins are used.
  2. Enter the text of the footnote within the Footnote plugin opening and closing tag.
  3. Place the Footnote Area plugin at the end of the page in order to display the footnotes.
    • All footnotes will be displayed in order at the bottom of the page. There may be a visual separator, depending on the theme in use.
    • The footnote numbers here link back to where the text was footnoted.
    • Note that the links will not function if there is a page break between the relevant Footnote and Footnotearea plugins. Also, the Footnotearea plugin must be placed at the end of the page because no content will display after the plugin.


Basic syntax

sameas (after Tiki15, use sameastag instead)

First, input the Footnote plugin syntax following the text you want footnoted:

Copy to clipboard
Text to be footnoted{FOOTNOTE()}Footnote text to be displayed elsewhere{FOOTNOTE}
Copy to clipboard
Text to be footnoted{footnote(sameas="1")}{FOOTNOTE}

Second, add the Footnotearea plugin syntax to display the footnotes at the end of the page:

Copy to clipboard

Note: the sameas parameter has the big issue that adding a new footnote above the other footnotes requires that you renumber all sameas footnotes below the new footnote.

sameastag (after Tiki15)

Starting at Tiki15, the sameastag parameter allows tagging footnotes for later reuse.

Copy to clipboard
Text to be footnoted{footnote(tag="t1")}Footnote text to be displayed elsewhere{FOOTNOTE}
Copy to clipboard
Text to be footnoted{footnote(sameastag="t1")}{FOOTNOTE}

Second, add the Footnotearea plugin syntax to display the footnotes at the end of the page:

Copy to clipboard


This code:

Example syntax using Footnote and Footnotearea plugins
Copy to clipboard
In Blume's outdated view, the Classic period of music{FOOTNOTE()}Sometimes dated from 1740 to 1828, from when C.P.E. Bach began service in the court of Frederick the Great to when Schubert died. {FOOTNOTE} used rhythm "with the finest nuance and sensibility,"{FOOTNOTE(tag="fblume")}Friedrich Blume, ''Classic and Romantic Music: a Comprehensive Survey'', trans. M.D. Herter Norton (New York: W.W. Norton and Co., Inc., 1970), p. 133.{FOOTNOTE} whereas Schubert and the Romantics often used rhythm in repetitive, stereotyped patterns."{FOOTNOTE()}''Ibid''.{FOOTNOTE} It is now recognized that those features of Schubert's work which give us such pleasure rest on a magnificently concieved and executed sense of tonal architecture. Duplicate footnotes section: This is to show examples of the -+sameas+- and -+sameastag+- parameters {FOOTNOTE(sameastag="1")}{FOOTNOTE} {FOOTNOTE(sameastag="fblume")}{FOOTNOTE} and check duplicates {FOOTNOTE()}''Ibid''.{FOOTNOTE} {FOOTNOTE(class="translator")}translator notes{FOOTNOTE} {FOOTNOTE(class="author")}author notes{FOOTNOTE} %%% %%% {footnotearea}

Would produce :

Example result

In Blume's outdated view, the Classic period of music1 used rhythm "with the finest nuance and sensibility,"2 whereas Schubert and the Romantics often used rhythm in repetitive, stereotyped patterns."3 It is now recognized that those features of Schubert's work which give us such pleasure rest on a magnificently concieved and executed sense of tonal architecture.

Duplicate footnotes section:
This is to show examples of the sameas and sameastag parameters 1 2 and check duplicates 4 5 6

1 ● Sometimes dated from 1740 to 1828, from when C.P.E. Bach began service in the court of Frederick the Great to when Schubert died.
2 ● Friedrich Blume, Classic and Romantic Music: a Comprehensive Survey, trans. M.D. Herter Norton (New York: W.W. Norton and Co., Inc., 1970), p. 133.
3 Ibid.
4 Ibid.
5 translator notes
6 author notes


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