
Lost admin password

If you can login with a user in Admins group (with permission tiki_p_admin), you can go to
tiki-admin.php?page=general and look for "Admin password" section.

If you can't login, you can set the password for a given user by using the Tiki console since Tiki18.
You will need to have shell access and right privileges to do so.

reseting admin password to 12345
Copy to clipboard
php console.php users:password admin 12345

Password changed successfully.

In some old versions of Tiki, you can set the admin password in the installer (tiki-install.php). If that's not working for you, please see below.

If you have lost the admin password for your site you will need access to the tiki database to change the password manually.

Assuming you are not using external user authentication - the password you lost is lodged firmly in your database.

1. Access your web hosting control panel (usually cPanel). If you can't find or login to cPanel, contact your ISP.

2. Once logged into cPanel, goto MySQL Databases, then (scroll way down!) open the PHPMyAdmin panel.

3. Select your database (usually something_tiki) from the drop-down list of databases on the left.

4. Scroll down the list of tables (way down) and select (browse) the users_users table. The password will be in there.

NOTE:If the "password" field is blank - your passwords are encrypted (which is the default and recommended setting). Typing in a password will not work. See (if you could) Admin>Login>Store plaintext passwords for this setting. (this feature was removed quite a while ago . Goto Step 5

and then

5. In case your tiki encrypts password (which is recommended) you can use the following SQL command

  • click on the SQL tab.
  • cut and paste the following exactly into the SQL window in PHPMyAdmin.

Copy to clipboard
UPDATE `users_users` SET `password`='admin', `hash`= md5('admin') WHERE `login`='admin';

this will set the password to "admin" again. You are saved.

Newer versions of Tiki (maybe around >=15.x - anyone know better?) don't have the password field in the users_users table any more, so the command changes to:

Copy to clipboard
UPDATE `users_users` SET `hash`= md5('admin') WHERE `login`='admin';

6. Login with
username: admin
pasword: admin

7. Proceed to the "Change admin password" section of tiki-admin.php?page=general
Change to safe password.

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