Warning: Undefined variable $class in /home/tiki-doc/public_html/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_fancytable.php on line 196
Warning: Undefined variable $class in /home/tiki-doc/public_html/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_fancytable.php on line 196
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Warning: Undefined variable $class in /home/tiki-doc/public_html/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_fancytable.php on line 196
Warning: Undefined variable $class in /home/tiki-doc/public_html/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_fancytable.php on line 196 Intertiki Client | Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
Intertiki Client tab
Related Topics
Set up Intertiki Client (Slave) Sites using this tab
To Access
From the Intertiki page, click the Intertiki client tab.
set up the Intertiki Master using the associated Intertiki server tab
Allows several Tiki sites (slaves) to get authentication from a master Tiki site
Client key for this site
This must match the shared key entered in the Master’s key field.
Intertiki shared cookie
Causes a user who logs into or out of either the slave or master site to be automatically logged into or out of all other sites. The remember me login feature must be on.
Master Tiki server
Master Tiki server that this client will obtain user authorizations from. Overrides manually registered local users None | tw.o
Import user preferences
Client Tiki will copy the user preferences from the master server. This will overwrite local user preferences every time the user logs in.
Import user groups
Groups the user belongs to on the master server will be imported (along with their security definitions). This will overwrite local groups every time a user logs in.
Limit group import
This list will limit the group import feature to only those groups listed here. Comma-separated list of case-sensitive imported groups. Leave empty to avoid limitation.
Allows several Tiki sites (slaves) to get authentication from a master Tiki site
Client key for this site
This must match the shared key entered in the Master’s key field.
Intertiki shared cookie
Causes a user who logs into or out of either the slave or master site to be automatically logged into or out of all other sites. The remember me login feature must be on.
Master Tiki server
Master Tiki server that this client will obtain user authorizations from. Overrides manually registered local users None | tw.o
Import user preferences
Client Tiki will copy the user preferences from the master server. This will overwrite local user preferences every time the user logs in.
Import user groups
Groups the user belongs to on the master server will be imported (along with their security definitions). This will overwrite local groups every time a user logs in.
Limit group import
This list will limit the group import feature to only those groups listed here. Comma-separated list of case-sensitive imported groups. Leave empty to avoid limitation.
Allows several Tiki sites (slaves) to get authentication from a master Tiki site
Client key for this site
This must match the shared key entered in the Master’s key field.
Intertiki shared cookie
Causes a user who logs into or out of either the slave or master site to be automatically logged into or out of all other sites. The remember me login feature must be on.
Master Tiki server
Master Tiki server that this client will obtain user authorizations from. Overrides manually registered local users None | tw.o
Import user preferences
Client Tiki will copy the user preferences from the master server. This will overwrite local user preferences every time the user logs in.
Import user groups
Groups the user belongs to on the master server will be imported (along with their security definitions). This will overwrite local groups every time a user logs in.
Limit group import
This list will limit the group import feature to only those groups listed here. Comma-separated list of case-sensitive imported groups. Leave empty to avoid limitation.
Allows several Tiki sites (slaves) to get authentication from a master Tiki site
Client key for this site
This must match the shared key entered in the Master’s key field.
Intertiki shared cookie
Causes a user who logs into or out of either the slave or master site to be automatically logged into or out of all other sites. The remember me login feature must be on.
Master Tiki server
Master Tiki server that this client will obtain user authorizations from. Overrides manually registered local users None
Import user preferences
Client Tiki will copy the user preferences from the master server. This will overwrite local user preferences every time the user logs in.
Import user groups
Groups the user belongs to on the master server will be imported (along with their security definitions). This will overwrite local groups every time a user logs in.
Limit group import
This list will limit the group import feature to only those groups listed here. Comma-separated list of case-sensitive imported groups. Leave empty to avoid limitation.
Allows several Tiki sites (slaves) to get authentication from a master Tiki site
Client key for this site
This must match the shared key entered in the Master’s key field.
Intertiki shared cookie
Causes a user who logs into or out of either the slave or master site to be automatically logged into or out of all other sites. The remember me login feature must be on.
Master Tiki server
Master Tiki server that this client will obtain user authorizations from. Overrides manually registered local users None
Import user preferences
Client Tiki will copy the user preferences from the master server. This will overwrite local user preferences every time the user logs in.
Import user groups
Groups the user belongs to on the master server will be imported (along with their security definitions). This will overwrite local groups every time a user logs in.
Limit group import
This list will limit the group import feature to only those groups listed here. Comma-separated list of case-sensitive imported groups. Leave empty to avoid limitation.
Add new server
Set the name (label) to use for your target server as defined in the server name field of the master.