
donz Writes:

You (Tikiwiki management) have failed miserably in explaining how to simply post a comment to your main site (TikiWiki).

I can't even get the instructional movies to work.
( So, I am dumb.)
Your need a Newbie tutorial. I'd write it but I can't figure out how to even get started using your web site.

MLP: Welcome donz, congrats on your first edit! Yes the initial learning curve for tiki (and wikis in general) can be steep.

The reason for your problem (I think) is that there are no comments allowed on this site. Some would say for good reason - we would rather have editors than bystanders (commenters).

I am currently using Drupal and plan to give TikiWiki a try. But I am stuck.

I am using Bluehost as my host. I can have it automatically installed there.

Yes, using fantastico installation is pretty easy.

At this point, I am just trying to familiarize myself with it. The words sounded good, but I have spent a few hours now and am no further along than when I began.

I couldn't even figure out how to post this comment for a couple of hours.

I suggest you setup a buddy system. Let needy newbies request a "buddy" to help her through the "extremely simple" early steps, like just getting an instructional video to play properly on your home page.

I think this is a very good idea.

Or how to post a comment. Believe me, it's not self evident.

Like now. How do I preview or save?

(I found it.)


What does "regex" search mean? What does "replace mean? Do I lose my edits if I do not "replace"?

And what is an "edit summary"?

Now I find a notice at the bottom that seems to tell me I am in the wrong place for this commentary. I should use IRC for this kind of comment? (btw what is IRC and how do you get there from here? I know is probably some kind of chat, but am I supposed to know how to get there form here?

Hey, I really like what I have seen. But you are losing loads of potential users by making it impossible to "begin".

Thanks, in general these are good usability clues - programmers and power users quickly forget what it was like the first time - and as a result the initial usability problems can go unfixed.

edit summary is an explanation of what you did in this edit - a good thing to fill in. Otherwise just use the "preview" save or cancel buttons at the bottom and forget the rest. 😊

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