View the Table of All the Documentation to see if a page concerning your topic exists.
Use the Doc Site Search to see if a page concerning your topic exists.
View the Troubleshooting pages to see if something matches your problem.
Login (register with if you haven't already done so) and . . .
Find the most appropriate existing page, perhaps a troubleshooting page ar about one of the features.
Ask, in the forums, any questions you have about that page. (Don't skip this step, it is critical to making the doc better)
Tag the page with ((help)) or one of the other tags so it appears on the documentation status page. e.g. edit in ((Help)) Can anyone tell me how the whatamajig feature works?
Watch that page for answers to your questions, (they often will be in the form of links).
Pat yourself on the back. The next person who comes along will only need to go to step 2.
get on the IRC chat channel, or Mailing Lists and ask a question there.
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