
News Feeds

A web feed is a summary of a website's news, new files, and other activities that it distributes or "syndicates" to other websites and individual users. Tiki is very flexible regarding feeds. It can both display external feeds from other sites in user modules and elsewhere and syndicate its own activities (blogs, articles, forums, etc.) via feeds.

RSS, an acronym for "Really Simple Syndication", is a nearly painless way to syndicate news and articles from one site to many.

The configuration of internal feeds (information created by the Tiki site) is explained in this page, and the configuration of external feeds is explained in Feeds User.

Use this page to configure the feeds generated by Tiki. By default, Tiki adds an RSS link for each feed in the footer: .
To access
Click the Feeds icon on the Admin Panel or Access http://example.org/tiki-admin.php?page=rss
This page contains the following tabs:
To syndicate feeds from other sites, use the Admin > External Feeds menu option.

List Slides
News Feeds A web feed is a summary of a website's news, new files, and other activities that it distributes or "syndicates" to other websites and individual users. Tiki is very flexible regarding feeds. It can both display external feeds from other sites in user modules and elsewhere and syndicate its own activities (blogs, articles, forums, etc.) via feeds. Related Topics External Feeds Bugs and Wishes RSS, an acronym for "Really Simple Syndication", is a nearly painless way to syndicate news and articles from one site to many. The configuration of internal feeds (information created by the Tiki site) is explained in this page, and the configuration of external feeds is explained in Feeds User . Overview Use this page to configure the feeds generated by Tiki. By default, Tiki adds an RSS link for each feed in the footer: . To access Click the Feeds icon on the Admin Panel or Access http://example.org/tiki-admin.php?page=rss Tabs This page contains the following tabs: Note To syndicate feeds from other sites, use the Admin > External Feeds menu option.