Using the form at the top of the page, you can choose what will be analyzed and how the output will be shown.
With the Process option, you can choose, if you want to analyse the original wiki text, the generated HTML or the output text (with all HTML removed) as the base for your analysis. By default, the generated HTML will be taken.
If you do not want to show the statistics, uncheck the Show statistics option. The Visualize page changes option allows you to turn off the display of the document with different colors for each author.
By setting the Show popups option, you can enable popups appearing when you move the mouse over the text. Those popups show the name of the author who wrote the text and in case of a deleted text, it also shows the author who deleted it.
Setting Escape HTML / Wiki Syntax in page changes, will make the HTML or wiki syntax visible in the rendered output.
Finally, you can choose the version of the page up to which the analysis will be done. By default, it is the actual version of the page.