The usage is pretty intuitive, once the profile "Barter Market" is applied to your Tiki installation.
You have a list of items offered or wanted shown in a page, and you select one of them. Then you have the option to:
- give the amount (in the community currency specified in the item) to person offering it, in order to close the transaction
- get in contact with that user first, to agree on details or state of that item offered or requested.
Once you click on the button "Buy now", you, you initiate a payment request, which you can pay with CCLite or by other means such as plain barter in exchange of some other good or service, etc. If you want to trade with CCLite-based community currency, you can click on the button "Trade with CClite".
This will initiate the payment, provided that you have enough amount in that currency in you CClite account. In such case, you'll see a message saying "Transaction accepted" followed by some code ("Ref: XXXX...."):
If the user is not registered in the CCLite site, a some message will be shown indicating it (for user "test" in this example below):
The previous successful transaction will be recorded also in the CCLite side, at the "Transactions" sections, once loged as manager or user with enough rights:
As seen in this detailed image, the last rows correspond to the recent transaction that we have seen in the previous images from the linked Tiki site:
If we click in the "Show" button in CCLite, we will see the full details of that transaction, as stored in the CClite server:
For more information for the time being, you can see it in action at