Specify the name of the Chatroom. This name will be displayed in the pulldown list when entering the Chatroom area, and the name displayed in the Chatroom where the "Active channels" are displayed.
This description has no function in the operation of the chatrooms. It can be used to describe the room for administrative purposes, and may be used in the future for other purposes.
If the Active checkbox is checked, the Chatroom will be enabled for selection from the main menu, or from within the chatrooms.
Refresh rate
This setting determines how often the user screen is updated while in the chat rooms. The setting is in seconds. The default rate is 3 seconds. The fastest update rate is 1/2 second, and the slowest rate is 10 seconds. The rate is set by selecting from a pulldown list.
Accessing Chat Admin
User must have chat admin privileges
Expand the Admin menu
Select Chat under the Admin menu
Adding a chatroom
Enter a name for the chatroom in the Name box.
Enter a description for the chatroom in the Description box.
Make sure the active box is checked if you want to be able to use the chatroom after adding it.
Change the Refresh rate if desired.
Click the Save button.
Deleting a chatroom
Under the Chat Channels list, click the red X to the right of the room to be deleted.
Click on the "Click here to confirm your action" button to confirm the deletion.
Editing a chatroom
Under the Chat Channels list, click the Edit Icon (far right icon) next to the channel you wish to edit.
Change the desired settings at the top of the screen.