
Changelog 1.9

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1 Tikiwiki Changelog 2 ------------------ 3 4 Changelog is now generated by cvs2cl.pl 5 http://cvsbook.red-bean.com/cvsbook.html#cvs2cl%20--%20Generate%20GNU-Style%20ChangeLogs 6 This script lists chronologically the comments made with cvs commits. 7 For example, for 1.9.7 : cvs2cl -F BRANCH-1-9 --delta REL-1-9-6:BRANCH-1-9 8 produces a file named Changelog, then in vim :%s/\n\(\s*\*\)/\1/ 9 10 Use the following tags to distinguish changes : 11 * [NEW] apply if something new was added in tikiwiki 12 * [MOD] is an enhancement; not really new but makes things work better 13 * [FIX] can be used for bug fixes of any sort 14 * [SEC] for security fix operations 15 * [REL] changes for release process only 16 * [KIL] removal of unused or obsolete files 17 * -[DB] for changes in the database 18 when possible, it's also nice to indicate what feature is concerned by 19 the change. 20 21 22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 Version 1.9.7 24 <http://tikiwiki.org/ReleaseProcess197> 25 ------------------ 26 27 2006-11-25 15:58 mose 28 * db/tiki-secdb_1.9_mysql.sql: [REL] updated secdb 29 30 2006-11-25 15:41 mose 31 * styles/tikineat.css: [FIX] jscalendar: fixed style for better 32 display of the button 33 34 2006-11-25 15:32 mose 35 * templates/tiki-view_tracker.tpl: [FIX] trackers: backported fixes 36 for jscalendar display 37 38 2006-11-23 22:56 marclaporte 39 * templates/tiki-view_tracker_item.tpl: information (name, comment, 40 version and description) about files attached to trackers was not 41 visible in file listing 42 43 2006-11-23 14:33 sylvieg 44 * lang/fr/language.php: translation update 45 46 2006-11-23 02:23 franck 47 * tiki-list_articles.php, templates/tiki-list_articles.tpl: [MOD] 48 Can find articles by categories 49 50 2006-11-23 02:07 franck 51 * lib/: calendar/calendarlib.php, 52 wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_events.php: [MOD] EVENTS wikiplugin to 53 use with tiki calendar 54 55 2006-11-23 02:02 franck 56 * lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_rss.php: [MOD] multiple RSS in the 57 wikiplugin 58 59 2006-11-23 01:51 franck 60 * lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_rss.php: [MOD] multiple RSS in the 61 wikiplugin 62 63 2006-11-22 03:13 lmoss 64 * categorize_list.php: Show only categories for which the user has 65 permissions 66 67 2006-11-21 16:56 marclaporte 68 * templates/tiki-browse_gallery.tpl: [FIX] correct the link to the 69 user information 70 71 2006-11-21 16:23 mose 72 * tiki-setup_base.php: [SEC] stronger protection against js 73 injection 74 75 2006-11-21 05:48 franck 76 * lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_events.php: [FIX] events wikiplugin 77 78 2006-11-21 05:48 franck 79 * lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_events.php: file 80 wikiplugin_events.php was added on branch BRANCH-1-9 on 81 2006-11-23 01:07:09 +0000 82 83 2006-11-21 00:52 franck 84 * lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_events.php: [Feature] 85 Events(calendar) list wiki plugin 86 87 2006-11-20 08:46 josefgc 88 * lang/langmapping.php: Added gl language 89 90 2006-11-20 08:39 josefgc 91 * lang/gl/: index.php, language.php: Galician language files 92 93 2006-11-19 14:29 mose 94 * README, templates/tiki-top_bar.tpl, 95 templates/styles/neat/tiki-top_bar.tpl, 96 templates/styles/simple/tiki-top_bar.tpl: [MOD] incremented 97 version number 98 99 2006-11-19 13:03 mose 100 * styles/smartiki.css, templates/styles/smartiki/tiki.tpl: [MOD] 101 smartiki theme improvement 102 103 2006-11-16 14:56 mose 104 * tiki-setup_base.php: [SEC] more power even, for the javascript 105 shield 106 107 2006-11-15 20:40 sylvieg 108 * lib/userslib.php: [FIX]:user - rename user was missing 109 lastUserModif in tiki_files 110 111 2006-11-15 15:18 sylvieg 112 * tiki-setup.php, lib/userslib.php: [FIX]ldap: the stupid rename 113 was not done everywhere. DO NOT DO rename only for pretty reason 114 in 1.9 115 116 2006-11-15 12:08 mose 117 * tiki-setup_base.php: [SEC] strengthening javascript shield 118 119 2006-11-12 23:45 sylvieg 120 * lang/fr/language.php: rollback: please do not run get_strings if 121 you do not plan to translate 122 123 2006-11-12 18:28 sampaioprimo 124 * lang/: ar/language.php, ca/language.php, cn/language.php, 125 cs/language.php, da/language.php, de/language.php, 126 el/language.php, en/language.php, en-uk/language.php, 127 es/language.php, fi/language.php, fr/language.php, 128 he/language.php, hr/language.php, hu/language.php, 129 it/language.php, ja/language.php, ko/language.php, 130 nl/language.php, no/language.php, pl/language.php, 131 pt/language.php, pt-br/language.php, ru/language.php, 132 sb/language.php, sk/language.php, sr/language.php, 133 sr-latn/language.php, sv/language.php, tv/language.php, 134 tw/language.php, uk/language.php: update language.php files using 135 get_strings.php script 136 137 2006-11-12 00:09 sylvieg 138 * tiki-view_tracker.php: [FIX]tracker: field1 hidden, field2 139 mandatory, field3 madatory, save only with filed3 value. the 140 error pannel will put field3 value in field3 and not field2 141 142 2006-11-10 23:08 sylvieg 143 * tiki-import_tracker.php: [FIX]tracker: export perm is 144 tiki_p_admin_trackers and not tiki_p_admin 145 146 2006-11-10 17:27 sylvieg 147 * lib/tikilib.php: [FIX]perm: a tiki_p_admin can see all the 148 options of the menu even if assigned to another group 149 150 2006-11-10 04:06 mose 151 * tiki-register.php: [SEC] added a minimal check on email for new 152 registration, even if check is not requested in prefs, to avoid 153 notification-spam 154 155 2006-11-09 21:10 mose 156 * lib/pear/CMD.php: [KIL] removed unused file 157 158 2006-11-09 17:23 mose 159 * tiki-admin_include_intertiki.php, 160 templates/tiki-admin-include-intertiki.tpl: [FIX] admin panel was 161 not working properly, it should now (especially the 162 tiki_preferences checkbox) 163 164 2006-11-08 19:52 mose 165 * lib/tikilib.php, tiki-login.php: [FIX] enabled logins to accept @ 166 even when using intertiki slave mode 167 168 2006-11-07 23:07 xavidp 169 * lang/ca/language.php: a few more strings translated 170 171 172 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 173 Version 1.9.6 174 <http://tikiwiki.org/ReleaseProcess196> 175 ------------------ 176 177 2006-11-06 02:36 mose 178 * styles/smartiki.css (BRANCH-1-9): minor style improvement 179 180 2006-11-05 18:27 mose 181 * tiki-setup_base.php (BRANCH-1-9): adapted filter for url var, as 182 url can be relative 183 184 2006-11-05 18:25 mose 185 * fixperms.sh (BRANCH-1-9): synced list of dirs with setup.sh 186 187 2006-11-05 10:32 mose 188 * tiki-setup_base.php (BRANCH-1-9): avoiding error when highlight 189 is an array (cannot happen) 190 191 2006-11-05 10:08 mose 192 * tiki-setup_base.php (BRANCH-1-9): better security against XSS 193 194 2006-11-03 15:34 sylvieg 195 * tiki-setup_base.php (BRANCH-1-9): username can be empty (come 196 from the admin login box) 197 198 2006-11-03 06:12 sampaioprimo 199 * templates/tiki-edit_help.tpl (BRANCH-1-9): the command ... page ... 200 should not be translated on wiki help 201 202 2006-11-02 19:37 sylvieg 203 * lib/tikidblib.php (BRANCH-1-9): do not reveal a part of the path 204 if error 205 206 2006-11-02 15:35 sylvieg 207 * messu-archive.php, messu-mailbox.php, messu-sent.php, 208 tiki-admin_banning.php, tiki-admin_calendars.php, 209 tiki-admin_categories.php, tiki-admin_chart_items.php, 210 tiki-admin_charts.php, tiki-admin_chat.php, 211 tiki-admin_content_templates.php, tiki-admin_cookies.php, 212 tiki-admin_drawings.php, tiki-admin_dsn.php, 213 tiki-admin_external_wikis.php, tiki-admin_forums.php, 214 tiki-admin_hotwords.php, tiki-admin_html_page_content.php, 215 tiki-admin_html_pages.php, tiki-admin_include_trackers.php, 216 tiki-admin_include_wikiatt.php, tiki-admin_menu_options.php, 217 tiki-admin_menus.php, tiki-admin_newsletter_subscriptions.php, 218 tiki-admin_newsletters.php, tiki-admin_notifications.php, 219 tiki-admin_polls.php, tiki-admin_quicktags.php, 220 tiki-admin_rssmodules.php, tiki-admin_shoutbox_words.php, 221 tiki-admin_structures.php, tiki-admin_survey_questions.php, 222 tiki-admin_surveys.php, tiki-admin_tracker_fields.php, 223 tiki-admin_trackers.php, tiki-admingroups.php, 224 tiki-adminusers.php, tiki-assignpermission.php, 225 tiki-assignuser.php, tiki-browse_categories.php, 226 tiki-browse_gallery.php, tiki-browse_image.php, tiki-charts.php, 227 tiki-directory_add_site.php, tiki-directory_admin_categories.php, 228 tiki-directory_admin_related.php, tiki-directory_admin_sites.php, 229 tiki-directory_browse.php, tiki-directory_ranking.php, 230 tiki-directory_search.php, tiki-directory_validate_sites.php, 231 tiki-edit_programmed_content.php, tiki-edit_question_options.php, 232 tiki-edit_quiz.php, tiki-edit_quiz_questions.php, 233 tiki-edit_quiz_results.php, tiki-eph.php, tiki-eph_admin.php, 234 tiki-faq_questions.php, tiki-file_galleries.php, 235 tiki-forum_queue.php, tiki-forums.php, tiki-forums_reported.php, 236 tiki-friends.php, tiki-g-admin_graph.php, 237 tiki-g-admin_processes.php, tiki-g-admin_roles.php, 238 tiki-g-monitor_activities.php, tiki-g-monitor_instances.php, 239 tiki-g-monitor_processes.php, tiki-g-monitor_workitems.php, 240 tiki-g-user_activities.php, tiki-g-user_instances.php, 241 tiki-g-user_processes.php, tiki-galleries.php, 242 tiki-lastchanges.php, tiki-list_articles.php, 243 tiki-list_banners.php, tiki-list_blogs.php, tiki-list_cache.php, 244 tiki-list_contents.php, tiki-list_faqs.php, 245 tiki-list_file_gallery.php, tiki-list_gallery.php, 246 tiki-list_posts.php, tiki-list_quizzes.php, 247 tiki-list_submissions.php, tiki-list_surveys.php, 248 tiki-list_trackers.php, tiki-list_users.php, tiki-listpages.php, 249 tiki-live_support_transcripts.php, tiki-minical.php, 250 tiki-my_tiki.php, tiki-newsletter_archives.php, 251 tiki-newsletters.php, tiki-newsreader_servers.php, 252 tiki-notepad_list.php, tiki-old_polls.php, tiki-orphan_pages.php, 253 tiki-quiz_stats.php, tiki-quiz_stats_quiz.php, 254 tiki-received_articles.php, tiki-received_pages.php, 255 tiki-referer_stats.php, tiki-search_stats.php, 256 tiki-send_newsletters.php, tiki-sheets.php, tiki-shoutbox.php, 257 tiki-survey_stats.php, tiki-survey_stats_survey.php, 258 tiki-syslog.php, tiki-theme_control.php, 259 tiki-theme_control_objects.php, tiki-userfiles.php, 260 tiki-usermenu.php, tiki-view_articles.php, tiki-view_blog.php, 261 tiki-view_faq.php, tiki-view_tracker.php, 262 tiki-view_tracker_item.php, tiki-webmail.php, 263 tiki-webmail_contacts.php (BRANCH-1-9): rollback - the url 264 doesn't be longer only to deal with error 265 266 2006-11-02 00:44 mose 267 * lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_box.php (BRANCH-1-9): removed a extra 268 parsing unneeded in wikiplugin 269 270 2006-11-01 23:54 sylvieg 271 * messu-archive.php, messu-mailbox.php, messu-sent.php, 272 tiki-admin_banning.php, tiki-admin_calendars.php, 273 tiki-admin_categories.php, tiki-admin_chart_items.php, 274 tiki-admin_charts.php, tiki-admin_chat.php, 275 tiki-admin_content_templates.php, tiki-admin_cookies.php, 276 tiki-admin_drawings.php, tiki-admin_dsn.php, 277 tiki-admin_external_wikis.php, tiki-admin_forums.php, 278 tiki-admin_hotwords.php, tiki-admin_html_page_content.php, 279 tiki-admin_html_pages.php, tiki-admin_include_trackers.php, 280 tiki-admin_include_wikiatt.php, tiki-admin_menu_options.php, 281 tiki-admin_menus.php, tiki-admin_newsletter_subscriptions.php, 282 tiki-admin_newsletters.php, tiki-admin_notifications.php, 283 tiki-admin_polls.php, tiki-admin_quicktags.php, 284 tiki-admin_rssmodules.php, tiki-admin_shoutbox_words.php, 285 tiki-admin_structures.php, tiki-admin_survey_questions.php, 286 tiki-admin_surveys.php, tiki-admin_tracker_fields.php, 287 tiki-admin_trackers.php, tiki-admingroups.php, 288 tiki-adminusers.php, tiki-assignpermission.php, 289 tiki-assignuser.php, tiki-browse_categories.php, 290 tiki-browse_gallery.php, tiki-browse_image.php, tiki-charts.php, 291 tiki-directory_add_site.php, tiki-directory_admin_categories.php, 292 tiki-directory_admin_related.php, tiki-directory_admin_sites.php, 293 tiki-directory_browse.php, tiki-directory_ranking.php, 294 tiki-directory_search.php, tiki-directory_validate_sites.php, 295 tiki-edit_programmed_content.php, tiki-edit_question_options.php, 296 tiki-edit_quiz.php, tiki-edit_quiz_questions.php, 297 tiki-edit_quiz_results.php, tiki-eph.php, tiki-eph_admin.php, 298 tiki-faq_questions.php, tiki-file_galleries.php, 299 tiki-forum_queue.php, tiki-forums.php, tiki-forums_reported.php, 300 tiki-friends.php, tiki-g-admin_graph.php, 301 tiki-g-admin_processes.php, tiki-g-admin_roles.php, 302 tiki-g-monitor_activities.php, tiki-g-monitor_instances.php, 303 tiki-g-monitor_processes.php, tiki-g-monitor_workitems.php, 304 tiki-g-user_activities.php, tiki-g-user_instances.php, 305 tiki-g-user_processes.php, tiki-galleries.php, 306 tiki-lastchanges.php, tiki-list_articles.php, 307 tiki-list_banners.php, tiki-list_blogs.php, tiki-list_cache.php, 308 tiki-list_contents.php, tiki-list_faqs.php, 309 tiki-list_file_gallery.php, tiki-list_gallery.php, 310 tiki-list_posts.php, tiki-list_quizzes.php, 311 tiki-list_submissions.php, tiki-list_surveys.php, 312 tiki-list_trackers.php, tiki-list_users.php, tiki-listpages.php, 313 tiki-live_support_transcripts.php, tiki-minical.php, 314 tiki-my_tiki.php, tiki-newsletter_archives.php, 315 tiki-newsletters.php, tiki-newsreader_servers.php, 316 tiki-notepad_list.php, tiki-old_polls.php, tiki-orphan_pages.php, 317 tiki-quiz_stats.php, tiki-quiz_stats_quiz.php, 318 tiki-received_articles.php, tiki-received_pages.php, 319 tiki-referer_stats.php, tiki-search_stats.php, 320 tiki-send_newsletters.php, tiki-sheets.php, tiki-shoutbox.php, 321 tiki-survey_stats.php, tiki-survey_stats_survey.php, 322 tiki-syslog.php, tiki-theme_control.php, 323 tiki-theme_control_objects.php, tiki-userfiles.php, 324 tiki-usermenu.php, tiki-view_articles.php, tiki-view_blog.php, 325 tiki-view_faq.php, tiki-view_tracker.php, 326 tiki-view_tracker_item.php, tiki-webmail.php, 327 tiki-webmail_contacts.php, db/tiki-1.9-mysql.sql, 328 db/tiki-1.9-oci8.sql, db/tiki-1.9-pgsql.sql, 329 db/tiki-1.9-sqlite.sql, db/tiki-1.9-sybase.sql, db/tiki.sql 330 (BRANCH-1-9): change isset to empty for sort_mode 331 332 2006-11-01 22:09 ohertel 333 * lib/tikidblib.php (BRANCH-1-9): [fix] removed debug code 334 335 2006-11-01 21:48 ohertel 336 * tiki-setup_base.php (BRANCH-1-9): [sec] type check improvement 337 (empty parameters), cleanup 338 339 2006-11-01 18:40 ohertel 340 * tiki-setup_base.php (BRANCH-1-9): [sec] security fix: fix for XSS 341 mentioned in 342 http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&offset=0&sort_mode=lastModif_desc&itemId=927 343 344 2006-11-01 18:33 ohertel 345 * tiki-setup_base.php (BRANCH-1-9): [sec] security fix: let's have 346 at least 1 character for type checked variables, as empty 347 variables are typeless and we don't want them anyway. fixes 348 http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&offset=0&sort_mode=lastModif_desc&itemId=927 349 350 2006-10-31 23:47 sampaioprimo 351 * lib/tikilib.php (BRANCH-1-9): [FIX] image uploaded from wiki 352 wasn't displayed if it has quote in the sintax and feature wiki 353 allow html = y 354 355 2006-10-31 22:36 marclaporte 356 * lang/fr/language.php (BRANCH-1-9): better expression 357 358 2006-10-31 01:02 marclaporte 359 * templates/tiki-admin-include-login.tpl (BRANCH-1-9): fix doc link 360 361 2006-10-30 21:43 xavidp 362 * lang/ca/language.php (BRANCH-1-9): a few more strings translated 363 364 2006-10-30 10:08 xavidp 365 * lib/smarty_tiki/function.menu.php (BRANCH-1-9): patched by jreyes 366 to allow longer menu names (workspaces) 367 368 2006-10-27 18:18 mose 369 * lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php (BRANCH-1-9): [FIX] 370 proper display of number of attachments in trackerlist wikiplugin 371 372 2006-10-25 16:22 sylvieg 373 * templates/tiki-list_file_gallery.tpl (BRANCH-1-9): some center 374 align 375 376 2006-10-24 23:45 sylvieg 377 * templates/tiki-list_file_gallery.tpl (BRANCH-1-9): split each 378 info in different columns to be able to sort each column 379 380 2006-10-23 17:08 sylvieg 381 * tiki-view_tracker.php (BRANCH-1-9): OOPs let a trace 382 383 2006-10-23 15:57 sylvieg 384 * tiki-view_tracker.php (BRANCH-1-9): a message if the trackerId is 385 set but incorrect 386 387 2006-10-23 15:54 sylvieg 388 * categorize_list.php (BRANCH-1-9): include categ only if feature 389 active 390 391 2006-10-23 15:53 sylvieg 392 * tiki-admin_trackers.php (BRANCH-1-9): trackers were badly 393 categorized and were shown if the categ gave no perm 394 395 2006-10-22 18:16 mose 396 * doc/devtools/tikimerge.sh (BRANCH-1-9): warning, mergers : 397 changed the name of the moving tag because the old one have been 398 borked 399 400 2006-10-22 17:35 cfreeze 401 * lib/bablotron.php (BRANCH-1-9): Make spell checking work for 402 words that have different case than that in the dictionary 403 404 2006-10-22 06:16 cfreeze 405 * lib/pear/Auth/: Auth.php, index.php, Container/LDAP.php 406 (BRANCH-1-9): Added missing Auth.php file. Should complete 407 upgrade of new PEAR::Auth module. 408 409 For using IMAP and Courier, the following settings worked for me. 410 411 Set authentication method to "Tiki and PEAR Auth" Check "Create 412 user if not in Tiki" Uncheck "Create user if not in Auth" Set 413 "Auth Type" to IMAP Set the Host and Port to your IMAP server Set 414 the IMAP BaseDSN to "/imap/notls" if not using SSL, or 415 "/imap/ssl" if using SSL 416 417 2006-10-21 22:01 mose 418 * tiki-admin_include_login.php, tiki-setup.php, 419 db/tiki-1.9-mysql.sql, db/tiki-1.9-oci8.sql, 420 db/tiki-1.9-pgsql.sql, db/tiki-1.9-sqlite.sql, 421 db/tiki-1.9-sybase.sql, db/tiki.sql, db/tiki_1.8to1.9.sql, 422 db/profiles/default-inserts.sql, lib/userslib.php, 423 templates/tiki-admin-include-login.tpl, lib/pear/Auth/Auth.php, 424 lib/pear/Auth/index.php, lib/pear/Auth/Container/LDAP.php 425 (BRANCH-1-9): auth improvement including pear-auth upgrade for 426 security reasons (involving ldap auth), and possible auth against 427 pop/imap server via that lib as well, brought to you by cfreeze 428 429 2006-10-21 21:31 mose 430 * doc/devtools/myspell_dic_2_tikiWiki_sql.pl (BRANCH-1-9): changed 431 dict script generation to accept words with quotes 432 433 2006-10-21 14:23 mose 434 * lib/wiki/wikilib.php (BRANCH-1-9): added notification when a file 435 is attached to a watched wiki page 436 437 2006-10-19 21:25 awolfff 438 * tiki-download_file.php (BRANCH-1-9): NEW: tiki-download_file can 439 now retrieve a file by name from a file gallery. Parameters: 440 galleryId and name 441 442 2006-10-19 21:20 awolfff 443 * lib/tikilib.php (BRANCH-1-9): NEW: added new function 444 get_file_by_name to get the most recent version of a file with a 445 given name from a given file gallery. NEW: added maxdepth=<num> 446 to {toc} to control the maximum depth of the toc to be generated. 447 448 2006-10-19 21:14 awolfff 449 * lib/structures/structlib.php (BRANCH-1-9): NEW: extended get_toc 450 and fetch_toc to handle the maxdepth of the toc to be generated. 451 452 2006-10-19 20:43 awolfff 453 * show_image.php (BRANCH-1-9): NEW: if called with a galleryId 454 only, a random picture of the gallery is chosen. 455 456 2006-10-19 20:29 awolfff 457 * lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_sql.php (BRANCH-1-9): FIX: Empty 458 passwords in a DSN confused the parser. Now checking for empty 459 password. 460 461 2006-10-19 12:51 xavidp 462 * lang/ca/language.php (BRANCH-1-9): some more strings 463 464 2006-10-19 02:36 mose 465 * tiki-wiki_rss.php (BRANCH-1-9): fixed again the rss behaviour 466 with wiki when no diff is requested 467 468 2006-10-18 21:59 sylvieg 469 * lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php (BRANCH-1-9): to 470 avoid multiple trackerlist on the same page 471 472 2006-10-18 21:11 xavidp 473 * lang/ca/language.php (BRANCH-1-9): install strings translated 474 475 2006-10-18 21:08 xavidp 476 * templates/tiki-install.tpl (BRANCH-1-9): 2 strings were missing 477 (tr tags added now) 478 479 2006-10-18 20:30 sylvieg 480 * lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php (BRANCH-1-9): an 481 error message is filterfield is incorrect 482 483 2006-10-18 19:59 xavidp 484 * templates/tiki-install.tpl (BRANCH-1-9): added tr tags to allow 485 install strings in other languages (thanks sylvie) 486 487 2006-10-18 19:59 sylvieg 488 * lib/trackers/trackerlib.php (BRANCH-1-9): a global xxxlib must 489 have an include ( situation often needs for tracker) 490 491 2006-10-18 16:58 luciash 492 * htaccess.sh (BRANCH-1-9): [FIX] activate/deactivate tiki root 493 .htaccess too (backport from HEAD) 494 495 2006-10-18 13:30 xavidp 496 * lang/ca/language.php (BRANCH-1-9): some new admin strings 497 translated 498 499 2006-10-18 04:09 marclaporte 500 * lang/: no/language.php, pl/language.php, pt/language.php, 501 pt-br/language.php, ru/language.php, sk/language.php, 502 sr/language.php, sr-latn/language.php, sv/language.php, 503 tv/language.php, tw/language.php, uk/language.php (BRANCH-1-9): 504 missing .sh 505 506 2006-10-18 04:06 marclaporte 507 * lang/: es/language.php, en-uk/language.php, it/language.php, 508 ar/language.php, ca/language.php, cn/language.php, 509 cs/language.php, da/language.php, de/language.php, 510 el/language.php, en/language.php, fi/language.php, 511 he/language.php, hr/language.php, hu/language.php, 512 ja/language.php, ko/language.php, nl/language.php (BRANCH-1-9): 513 missing .sh 514 515 2006-10-18 00:55 marclaporte 516 * templates/tiki-mods.tpl (BRANCH-1-9): missing .sh 517 518 2006-10-18 00:51 marclaporte 519 * lang/fr/language.php (BRANCH-1-9): issing .sh in instructions 520 521 2006-10-17 02:07 mose 522 * lib/trackers/trackerlib.php (BRANCH-1-9): fixed item link field 523 type and cache issue (thx sean) 524 525 2006-10-16 20:50 sylvieg 526 * templates/tiki-assignpermission.tpl (BRANCH-1-9): missing escape 527 for group name with special chars 528 529 2006-10-16 20:10 sylvieg 530 * tiki-directory_redirect.php (BRANCH-1-9): do not redirect for a 531 non validated site 532 533 2006-10-16 15:36 sylvieg 534 * lib/tikilib.php (BRANCH-1-9): avoid a notice 535 536 2006-10-16 15:19 sylvieg 537 * lib/tikilib.php (BRANCH-1-9): avoid a notice 538 539 2006-10-16 00:40 sylvieg 540 * lang/fr/language.php (BRANCH-1-9): some more 541 542 2006-10-15 21:16 xavidp 543 * lang/ca/language.php (BRANCH-1-9): a few more strings translated 544 545 2006-10-13 21:04 xavidp 546 * lang/ca/language.php (BRANCH-1-9): a few more strings I forgot 547 previously from admin screens 548 549 2006-10-13 15:39 sylvieg 550 * tiki-install.php (BRANCH-1-9): possibilty to add a param 551 tiki-install.php?lang=ca - next step add the {tr} 552 553 2006-10-13 11:16 xavidp 554 * lang/ca/language.php (BRANCH-1-9): some new strings translated 555 (some admin interfaces, tips, etc.) 556 557 2006-10-09 21:05 marclaporte 558 * tiki-pagepermissions.php (BRANCH-1-9): alphabetical sort of group 559 names is nicer 560 561 2006-10-06 16:02 sylvieg 562 * lib/trackers/trackerlib.php (BRANCH-1-9): backport 1.9 563 564 2006-09-27 20:22 sylvieg 565 * styles/transitions/1.8to1.9.css (BRANCH-1-9): imgs are a step 566 above 567 568 2006-09-27 12:54 sylvieg 569 * lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_titlesearch.php (BRANCH-1-9): 570 list_pages is in tikilib 571 572 2006-09-27 12:42 xavidp 573 * db/tiki_1.8to1.9.sql (BRANCH-1-9): removed actions of creating 574 and deleting tiki_project* tables 575 576 2006-09-27 12:24 xavidp 577 * _htaccess (BRANCH-1-9): removed references to workspaces 578 579 2006-09-27 11:41 xavidp 580 * _htaccess (BRANCH-1-9): added entries for workspaces 581 582 2006-09-26 15:11 sylvieg 583 * lib/search/: refresh-functions.php, refresh.php (BRANCH-1-9): 584 global search functions 585 586 2006-09-26 14:00 luciash 587 * tiki-browse_categories.php (BRANCH-1-9): [FIX] removed duplicate 588 CVS header 589 590 2006-09-26 12:56 luciash 591 * templates/header.tpl (BRANCH-1-9): [FIX] removed duplicate js 592 block 593 594 2006-09-26 11:45 makenai 595 * tiki-setup_base.php (BRANCH-1-9): Fix for updating lastlogin 596 information for users when using website authorization 597 598 2006-09-26 06:23 marclaporte 599 * tiki-calendars_rss.php (BRANCH-1-9): typo reported on IRC by 600 Makenai 601 602 2006-09-25 21:15 sylvieg 603 * templates/poll.tpl (BRANCH-1-9): highlight also in poll view div 604 the user vote 605 606 2006-09-23 21:17 mose 607 * tiki-wiki_rss.php (BRANCH-1-9): fixed rss to make optional the 608 link to the diff (default go to page) 609 610 2006-09-19 19:39 ohertel 611 * tiki-setup_base.php (BRANCH-1-9): [fix] less restrict 612 typechecking on 'type', not only used in galaxia 613 614 2006-09-19 16:36 ohertel 615 * lib/: feedcreator/feedcreator.class.php, rss/rsslib.php 616 (BRANCH-1-9): [mod] added simply style 0.9 RDF feed for old style 617 rss feeds (e.g. Object Desktop Silica RSS Reader), use ?ver=a or 618 or ?ver=RSS0.9 619 620 2006-09-19 03:38 ohertel 621 * tiki-setup_base.php (BRANCH-1-9): [sec] security fix (type check) 622 623 2006-09-19 02:25 ohertel 624 * lib/Galaxia/src/ProcessManager/ProcessManager.php, 625 tiki-g-admin_processes.php, tiki-setup_base.php (BRANCH-1-9): 626 [sec] security fix (type check), typo fixed 627 628 2006-09-19 00:49 ohertel 629 * tiki-calendars_rss.php, tiki-tracker_rss.php (BRANCH-1-9): [fix] 630 misc fixes on rss feeds (visibility, speed, general bugs, cache), 631 caching time configurable now 632 633 2006-09-19 00:43 ohertel 634 * tiki-admin_include_rss.php, tiki-articles_rss.php, 635 tiki-blog_rss.php, tiki-blogs_rss.php, tiki-directories_rss.php, 636 tiki-directory_rss.php, tiki-file_galleries_rss.php, 637 tiki-file_gallery_rss.php, tiki-forum_rss.php, 638 tiki-forums_rss.php, tiki-image_galleries_rss.php, 639 tiki-image_gallery_rss.php, tiki-map_rss.php, tiki-setup.php, 640 tiki-wiki_rss.php, lib/rss/rsslib.php, 641 templates/tiki-admin-include-rss.tpl, lang/de/language.php 642 (BRANCH-1-9): [fix] misc fixes on rss feeds (visibility, speed, 643 general bugs, cache), caching time configurable now 644 645 2006-09-18 19:30 sylvieg 646 * templates/tiki-editpage.tpl (BRANCH-1-9): not to recreate the 647 poll each time you edit a page with a poll 648 649 2006-09-18 19:26 sylvieg 650 * lib/categories/categlib.php (BRANCH-1-9): must keep the 651 tiki_categorized object when removing categorization because poll 652 can use it 653 654 2006-09-18 15:37 sylvieg 655 * templates/tiki-listpages.tpl (BRANCH-1-9): syntax error 656 657 2006-09-16 14:16 ohertel 658 * templates/modules/mod-random_images.tpl (BRANCH-1-9): [fix] 659 random image thumbnail should be centered and have no border 660 661 2006-09-16 02:58 mose 662 * lib/smarty_tiki/outputfilter.highlight.php (BRANCH-1-9): still 663 not perfect highlight regexp, but this one is not buggy at least 664 665 2006-09-16 01:10 mose 666 * lib/smarty_tiki/outputfilter.highlight.php (BRANCH-1-9): cleaned 667 dirtiness and maybe fixed the onmouseover regexp in highlight 668 669 2006-09-15 22:23 mose 670 * lib/smarty_tiki/outputfilter.highlight.php (BRANCH-1-9): dirty 671 fix, onmouseover is still not saved from highlight, but at least 672 user popup do not break now 673 674 2006-09-15 22:06 sylvieg 675 * tiki-login.php (BRANCH-1-9): when you log in from 676 tiki-login_validate do not go back in this page because the 677 password has been changed and you will have an error 678 679 2006-09-15 19:31 mose 680 * templates/tiki-calendar.tpl (BRANCH-1-9): fixed link to calendar 681 item from list view 682 683 2006-09-15 15:52 sylvieg 684 * lib/smarty_tiki/function.phplayers.php, 685 tiki-browse_categories.php (BRANCH-1-9): a phplayer icon 686 tree_expand_corner_first.png was in another directory - it 687 changes the look but at least the logs are not filled 688 689 2006-09-15 15:19 sylvieg 690 * lib/notifications/notificationemaillib.php (BRANCH-1-9): the 691 outbound url was bad for a topic post 692 693 2006-09-14 18:27 sylvieg 694 * lib/trackers/trackerlib.php (BRANCH-1-9): filter can have 695 multiple category filters 696 697 2006-09-13 19:39 ohertel 698 * tiki-admin_include_metatags.php, 699 templates/tiki-admin-include-metatags.tpl (BRANCH-1-9): [fix] fix 700 for collision between global metatag setting and setting for that 701 specific page (robots: noindex, nofollow set for admin pages) 702 703 2006-09-13 17:58 sylvieg 704 * tiki-view_tracker_item.php (BRANCH-1-9): some confusion with perm 705 between closed and pending 706 707 2006-09-13 15:57 sylvieg 708 * lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_category.php (BRANCH-1-9): fix help 709 on sub 710 711 2006-09-11 15:43 sylvieg 712 * lib/shoutbox/shoutboxlib.php (BRANCH-1-9): instead of not being 713 able to post 2 times the same message/same user in shoutbox, 714 update the timestamp... (ex: message hellp or post). Perhaps the 715 solution is to controlled timing? 716 717 2006-09-10 20:06 ohertel 718 * templates/styles/moreneat/tiki.tpl (BRANCH-1-9): rollback of 719 toggg edit: the page bar is hardcoded into 720 templates/moreneat/tiki-show_page.tpl, with those lines you just 721 doubled the comments zone 722 723 2006-09-10 07:44 toggg 724 * templates/styles/moreneat/tiki.tpl (BRANCH-1-9): Get wiki help 725 button in there 726 727 2006-09-09 11:43 ohertel 728 * styles/: olive-blue.css, olive-red.css, olive.css (BRANCH-1-9): 729 move away external link icon from text 730 731 2006-09-09 11:41 ohertel 732 * styles/moreneat.css (BRANCH-1-9): fix: content killing the border 733 734 2006-09-08 13:04 sylvieg 735 * lib/wiki/wikilib.php (BRANCH-1-9): limit a little bit the bug, if 736 you delete an attachment, the file is deleted only if no more 737 referenced - BUT it does not solve the problem that a 738 filedownloaded with the same name than an already attached file 739 in another page erased the olf file 740 741 2006-09-08 10:51 sylvieg 742 * lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_attach.php (BRANCH-1-9): use also the 743 filename extension to show the icon as it is done in attachment 744 list 745 746 2006-09-07 19:24 sylvieg 747 * templates/tiki-editpage.tpl (BRANCH-1-9): add a name on the form 748 to be able to do javascript on the form 749 750 2006-09-06 17:04 wesleywillians 751 * templates/tiki-view_blog_post.tpl (BRANCH-1-9): [MOD] Adding 752 title to blog's post 753 754 2006-09-06 13:40 sylvieg 755 * tiki-download_item_attachment.php (BRANCH-1-9): if the attached 756 file doesn't exist for some errors, out a message in the download 757 instead of a php error 758 759 760 761 Version 1.9.5 762 <http://tikiwiki.org/ReleaseProcess195> 763 ------------------ 764 765 [SEC] Security: fix in tiki-editpage.php 766 [SEC] Security: fixes in jhot.php 767 [SEC] Security: Parameter highlight may not countain & , " , ' , < or > 768 [SEC] Security: Script htaccess.sh for dis/enabling .htaccess files 769 [FIX] Avoid some messages due to undefined variables 770 [FIX] Tracker: fixed tracker data import when no status indicated in csv 771 [FIX] Trackers: check we have a right image handle before taking its info 772 [FIX] Avoid notice and insert message case id xxx does not exist in {rss id=xxx} 773 [FIX] Optional 's' for $groupHome protocol as https://... ,correct the 774 https: goup home case for logout too 775 [FIX] Installer shows memory limit warning 776 [FIX] No more take offset from cookies 777 [FIX] Image Gallery: Check we have a right image handle before taking its info 778 [FIX] Image Gallery: Strengthen get_one_image_from_disk() to refuse non image data 779 [FIX] Image Gallery: Check and get image sizes even if .gif or no 780 imagecreatefromstring() 781 [FIX] Image Gallery: All files are now checked against being right images 782 [FIX] Image Gallery: Double link to image gallery when returning from edit 783 [FIX] Image Gallery: Get optional thumbnail image size so it works if same scale 784 as thumbs scale from gallery 785 [FIX] Image Gallery: Double link to image gallery when returning from edit 786 [FIX] Image Gallery: Use gallery's default for image scale or sort order 787 if none in browse and show images 788 [FIX] Image Gallery: Image permissions 789 [FIX] Image Gallery: Navigation / scale control in image browsing 790 [FIX] Image Gallery: Once image gallery saved, avoid double create link display 791 [FIX] Image Gallery: small change in images batch upload to respect name 792 order in batch 793 [FIX] Keep menus wide open if javascript or cookies not allowed 794 [FIX] Styles: Simple style fixes for PLM and other enhancements 795 [FIX] Tiki-index_p.php: typo feature_wiki_usrlock 796 [FIX] Blogs: Trackback pings for blog posts accepted only if the feature 797 blog is enabled 798 [FIX] Blogs: Secured and fixed blogs trackback pings display 799 [FIX] Wikiplugin snarf: don't change line feeds in <br /> 800 [FIX] Wikiplugin code: uses proper <br /> 801 [FIX] mk_profile.sh: accepts optionals backticks around table names, 802 better autodoc 803 [FIX] Module quick_edit: fixed collision with edit article: 'heading' 804 used in both of them, thus preventing 'heading' showing up in 805 edit article, if you have quick_edit module activated 806 [FIX] Admin/login: fixing 1 day bug & adding more options 807 [FIX] pcllib: removed call by reference to functions 808 [FIX] Broken links to documentation 809 [FIX] Some fixes in display of country flag 810 [FIX] Galaxia: conformed to db abstract 811 [FIX] Wiki RSS Feed: avoid sql error, show whole file for new wiki pages, 812 cleanup of output in rss data 813 [FIX] Wiki: fixed undefined 'index' variable in page history 814 [FIX] Wikiplugin TrackerFilter: fix sort and pagination 815 [FIX] Wikiplugin Trackerlist: several fixes 816 [MOD] Smarty updated to 2.6.14 817 [MOD] Modules allow user to create a module without title and display error 818 message if no name or data is given to a new module 819 [MOD] Trackers: add the fulltext index for tracker search with mysql 820 [MOD] Trackers: many fixes and enhancements 821 [MOD] change in the message body messu-compose to messu-mailbox to be 822 directly in the mailbox when notification from the message box 823 [MOD] Some clean up and organization on wiki help 824 [MOD] Trackers: added a new optional behaviour for isHidden field 825 type, to make hidden fields only editable by tracker admin 826 but still visible to modifier 827 [MOD] Admin survey questions: longer options field and hint box for 828 multiple answer questions where to places those answers 829 [MOD] at least yahoo and google ignore our robots.txt entries completely, 830 so we set META ROBOTS tags on all pages we don't want indexed/followed. 831 Thats all admin/submit/print/rename/remove/send pages and pages that 832 will make search box go wild (categories, lengthy lists, calendar, ...) 833 [MOD] Hide MultiTiki info when not in use 834 [MOD] lang/de, lang/ca, lang/pt-br, lang/fr updates 835 [MOD] Edit article: allow to preselect categories when creating a new 836 article, like this: 837 /tiki-edit_article.php?cat_categories[]=1&cat_categorize=on for 838 category '1' 839 [MOD] Plugins: Extended div wikiplugin to accept justify text align 840 [MOD] Blogs: Possibility to delete blog post level trackback pings 841 [MOD] Changed behaviour for description label when no desc is provided 842 [MOD] Enables relative url for group home as http:tiki-xxx.php... 843 (no double slash after ":" ) 844 [MOD] Enables included php to ask extra external js 845 [MOD] Image slideshow in page , controlled by feature slideshow in admin 846 image galleries 847 [MOD] Images slideshow preloads images and works autonomous when 848 cycle complete 849 [MOD] Images galleries links simplified, only scalesize controls the scale 850 (0=original size) 851 [MOD] Images galleries controls enhanced 852 [MOD] Update to latest version of PhpLayersMenu (3.2.0-rc) 853 [MOD] New files (copy for Tiki for modifications) to prevent overriding 854 of original files of the PLM package 855 [MOD] Calendar: added categories support for theme control purpose 856 [MOD] Imagegal: added a way in admin panel to move images from db 857 to filesystem 858 [MOD] Users: added an option to have new users accept internal messages 859 by default 860 [MOD] Users: switch on receiving internal messages by default 861 [MOD] Blogs: Added feature/allow blogs trackback pings enabling general and 862 on a blog basis 863 [MOD] Blogs: View blogs post refactored 864 [MOD] Clearer install & upgrade intructions. Moving 1.7.x stuff to a wiki 865 page. Add information about secdb 866 [NEW] Plugins: Skype plugin to create a clickable link to call or chat 867 with a Skype user 868 869 Version 1.9.4 870 <http://tikiwiki.org/ReleaseProcess194> 871 ------------------ 872 873 [MOD] cms: added an option for availability of print option in cms 874 [NEW] google-map: new feature, used for usermap and self-location 875 [FIX] polls: changed polls admin access permission to be distinct from 876 admin one 877 [MOD] user: added an option to remove all pages from user when deleting user 878 [NEW] trackers: new export page in csv format 879 [FIX] trackers: made filter work with categ field type 880 [FIX] trackers: fixed trackers to accept zero when a numeric field type 881 is mandatory 882 [FIX] galaxia: added a check for name of start activity 883 [FIX] maps: freeing now image memory after request to avoid bloating 884 [FIX] cms: fixed db commpat for print view (reads->nbreads) 885 [FIX] newsletter: set up the from address to default from when sending 886 newsletter 887 [MOD] multi: added $local_php and $multi optional vars for geeks only 888 [SEC] several vars added to sanitization to avoid cross-site scripting 889 [FIX] devtools: improved sqlupgrade script for when password includes a quote 890 [MOD] lang: major improvement of finnish translation 891 [MOD] lang: update of de, fr, it 892 [MOD] wiki: changed lock icon 893 [FIX] wiki: made sorting respect find filter 894 [MOD] pear: replaced clone() by cloneNode() because reserved in some recent php 895 [MOD] styles: improvement of mose.css style 896 [MOD] styles: improvement of trollparty.css style 897 [FIX] html: made alternate link displayed only if perms ok 898 [FIX] tabs: fixed cycle with a reset 899 -[DB] added 3 perms and 1 pref 900 [FIX] Enables download of file galery 's files bigger than 2MB 901 902 903 Version 904 <http://tikiwiki.org/ReleaseProcess193> 905 - 04/30/2006 906 ------------------ 907 908 [FIX] PHP Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference 909 in /lib/adodb/adodb.inc.php on line 2797 - ohertel 910 [FIX] basic profile: Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 23 of 27 bytes 911 in /tikiwiki-1.9.3/tiki-modules.php on line 67 - ohertel 912 [FIX] MD5 values for tiki secdb - ohertel 913 [FIX] What-you-see-is-what-you-can-access fix: a not accessable feature is 914 hidden - marclaporte 915 [FIX] trackers: get the right number of items - sylvie 916 [MOD] update fr translation - sylvie 917 [MOD] trackers: give the possibility to move the fields more 918 than 1 step - sylvie 919 [MOD] another crosslink feature -> documentation - marclaporte 920 [MOD] default_wiki_diff_style: minsidediff - marclaporte 921 [MOD] some features disabled by default: feature_wiki_export, 922 feature_galleries, feature_help, feature_multilingual, 923 feature_user_watches_translations, feature_dump, 924 feature_view_tpl - marclaporte 925 926 Version 1.9.3 927 <http://tikiwiki.org/ReleaseProcess193> 928 - 04/29/2006 929 ------------------ 930 [FIX] fix of multiple layout and translation issues - various authors 931 [FIX] '... but need admin validation:' must work even if 'Validate users 932 by email:' is not checked - sylvie 933 [FIX] admin user: multiple actions on a page other than the first 934 one - sylvie 935 [FIX] article: category kept at approval - sylvie 936 [FIX] blog: blog pagination - sylvie 937 [FIX] blog: find now finds also in post title - sylvie 938 [FIX] blog: reset blog activity if activity too old at each blog post - sylvie 939 [FIX] bookmark: replace split space in link with <br /> - sylvie 940 [FIX] category: anon can edit categorized pages - redflo 941 [FIX] category: browse category on image show up images - sylvie 942 [FIX] category: display category name for a deep category browse - sylvie 943 [FIX] cleanups for php 5 compatibility - various authors 944 [FIX] comment: all comments shown after a post - sylvie 945 [FIX] forum: new post subject set after a post - sylvie 946 [FIX] gallery: check object perm - sylvie 947 [FIX] group: a non admin user can also assign a user to one of his groups if 948 he has tiki_p_admin_users - sylvie 949 [FIX] group: can use username or groupname with the character & in 950 assign group - sylvie 951 [FIX] group: respect perm in tiki_p_admin_user and not tiki_p_admin on 952 multiple actions in admin user - sylvie 953 [FIX] image: current gallery selected in the gallery choice - sylvie 954 [FIX] image: system gallery images are not shown in last_images modules if 955 no gallery is selected - sylvie 956 [FIX] jscalendar: spanish utf8 calendar - sylvie 957 [FIX] login: user home page considered at login - sylvie 958 [FIX] module since_last_visit_new: faqs are displayed - sylvie 959 [FIX] module since_last_visit_new: fix list index unknown for a comment in 960 image gallery - sylvie 961 [FIX] multilingual: switch lang on default homepage (+bl param with 962 value) - sylvie 963 [FIX] neat.css: upload image in a page - sylvie 964 [FIX] newsletter: cleanup outgoing newsletter templates - marclaporte 965 [FIX] newsletter: more perm checking on archived newsletters - sylvie 966 [FIX] parsing: to be able to have plugin param with a & - sylvie 967 [FIX] plugin article: respect perms - sylvie 968 [FIX] plugin wantedpages: accept site settings for dashes in WikiWords. 969 Possible filtering of output to get rid of 970 "rubbish page names" - markusvk 971 [FIX] prefer get_user_default_homepage to get_user_preference homePage - ang23 972 [FIX] quiz: avoid some notices if store quiz results on + error if attachment 973 empty - (sylvie) 974 [FIX] search: do no search if no search words are given - sylvie 975 [FIX] securing adodb for postgres - mose 976 [FIX] setup.sh: Use filesystem acls instead of sgid or 777 mode is much 977 more safe - redflo 978 [FIX] template: anon can view/edit templates - ohertel 979 [FIX] template: can edit in some case + can save only for the style - sylvie 980 [FIX] tiki search: include wiki page name like in fulltext search and the file 981 data extracted by the command associated to the type - sylvie 982 [FIX] tiki search: when refreshing fix an undefined dcslib + attach 983 warning - sylvie 984 [FIX] tracker plugin: category - sylvie 985 [FIX] tracker plugin: highlight name of fields with error - sylvie 986 [FIX] tracker: better support for special character or string (ex: xml) in 987 textarea field - sylvie 988 [FIX] tracker: mandatory category - sylvie 989 [FIX] tracker: fix notification message header for gmail server for long 990 update notif and comment notificaton - sylvie 991 [FIX] tracker: fixed bugged for () loop that prevented non-admin users from 992 updating certain fields values - lorfds 993 [FIX] tracker: image in tracker plugin - sylvie 994 [FIX] tracker: main item value displayed in the window title - sylvie 995 [FIX] tracker: mandatory fields in trackers - rv540 996 [FIX] tracker: sort the country names in a country field - sylvie 997 [FIX] tracker: to be able to have 2 category fields in a tracker - sylvie 998 [FIX] user: admin can change prefs of the third tab - sylvie 999 [FIX] user: batch load can not add a user to a group the current user has 1000 if only tiki_p_admin_user and not tiki_p_admin perm is set - sylvie 1001 [FIX] wiki: backlink: respect perms - sylvie 1002 [FIX] wiki: don't show edit buttom if looking at a user page of 1003 another user - sylvie 1004 [FIX] wiki: don't show the edit buttom when looking at another user's 1005 userpage - sylvie 1006 [FIX] wiki: download wiki file respects individual perms on a page - sylvie 1007 [FIX] wiki: force server readable perm for img upload - sylvie 1008 [FIX] wiki: highlight name of fields with error - sylvie 1009 [FIX] wiki: if 'display the title' is on and breadcrumb feature off, the 1010 title must be displayed - sylvie 1011 [FIX] wiki: if ask for a userpage is not yet created go to tiki-editpage 1012 instead of displaying an invalid page - sylvie 1013 [FIX] wiki: likepage: respect perms - sylvie 1014 [FIX] wiki: page creators are admin of their pages + tiki_p_admin_wiki 1015 back for editpage - sylvie 1016 [FIX] wiki: watch on 'page change' works again - ohertel 1017 [FIX] wiki: the page named UserPage redirects to the user's UserPage if 1018 possible - sylvie 1019 [FIX] wiki: wiki discussion now redirects to the same thread for 2 users 1020 with different languages - sylvie 1021 [FIX] xhtml: <br/> transformed into <br /> - damian 1022 [MOD] added &reg; to special character table - sylvieg 1023 [MOD] added link to [http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-index_raw.php 1024 ?page=Features|evaluation of each feature] to inform about 1025 maturity of features - ohertel 1026 [MOD] CAS: note about a required lib installtion on admin/login - ohertel 1027 [MOD] cleanup and improvement of robots.txt - various authors 1028 [MOD] groups/permissions: 'levels' hidden by default - ohertel 1029 [MOD] groups/permissions: show all permissions by default - marclaporte 1030 [MOD] install: added some notes to the installation page tiki-install about 1031 memory reqirements and more 1032 [MOD] lang: nearly complete finnish translation - hartsa 1033 [MOD] lang: several updates to de/ca/fr - ohertel/xavidp/sylvie/jmaspons 1034 [MOD] many new 'tip' boxed on several pages - marclaporte/ohertel 1035 [MOD] mods: hacked to allow chmodding files to 644 on servers with suphp 1036 security installed (for instance: ourproject.org, where edu.tw.o is 1037 installed) - xavidp 1038 [MOD] most admin pages are accessable from tiki-admin.php 1039 now - marclaporte/ohertel 1040 [MOD] note in tiki-backup section that it's better to use mysqldump or 1041 phpmyadmin - ohertel 1042 [MOD] param my to last_image_galleries module to limit the 1043 user's gallery - sylvie 1044 [MOD] removing users from groups -> directly from user listing. 1045 dev.two #503 - marclaporte 1046 [MOD] tracker: a button to increment the field position from a field 1047 to the end - sylvie 1048 [MOD] tracker: added tracker filter for category plugin - mose 1049 [MOD] wiki: page renames are monitored with watch on page change - ohertel 1050 [NEW] calendar: RSS feed for upcoming events from calendar: 1051 [tiki-calendars_rss.php?ver=2] - ohertel 1052 [NEW] intertiki: use the user db of one tiki for several tiki 1053 installations - mose 1054 [NEW] perl script to recover wiki data from google cache in case you 1055 lose data - lfagundes 1056 [NEW] plugin: html tag plugin TAG - sylvie 1057 [NEW] smarty: simple smarty plugin function.count.php for return the 1058 count of a var - mose 1059 [NEW] switchlang param in the url changes the language - sylvie 1060 [NEW] wiki: new table of contents, wikipedia style: {maketoc:table} - ohertel 1061 [NEW] wiki: search & replace feature - sampaioprimo 1062 1063 Version 1.9.2 1064 <http://tikiwiki.org/ReleaseProcess192> 1065 - 10/30/2005 1066 ------------------ 1067 [FIX] Added alt text to menu folders to enable browsing with image downloads 1068 disabled in your browser - Damian 1069 [FIX] Fixed a regression with "...but requires admin approval" registration type 1070 - mdavey 1071 [FIX] wiki: Fix the closing / in an openning tag ex:{ARTICLE(id=1)/} - 1072 sylvie 1073 [FIX] wiki: http: and www. follows the same rule (icon+new frame) than 1074 [http] - sylvie 1075 [FIX] wiki: fix preview in history on a page using {file} plugin - 1076 sylvie 1077 [FIX] calendar: calendar is not created anymore with 3 special perms - sylvie 1078 [FIX] calendar: filter button is always displayed even if only one calendar - 1079 sylvie 1080 [FIX] tracker: translate country name in a country field - sylvie 1081 [FIX] wiki: can't edit a page if its belongs to a category you don't have perm - 1082 sylvie 1083 [FIX] tracker: mandatory scrolling list doesn't propose an empty value - sylvie 1084 [FIX] plugin: snarf allows the text body without been the html tag body - sylvie 1085 [FIX] plugin: category new option value sort=shuffle mose) new option one to 1086 display one categ per line - sylvie 1087 [FIX] wiki: <img src="img/wiki_up/xx.gif"> fixed in article - sylvie 1088 [FIX] wiki: fix my pages in My Tiki by adding the pages where I am not the last 1089 editor - sylvie 1090 [FIX] remind password message: fix url - sylvie 1091 [FIX] WYSIWYCA regarding tiki_p_vote_poll - amette 1092 [FIX] When no cookies, menus are now wide unfolded, if javascript, by first 1093 close, all will fold 1094 [FIX] Return and passing by reference for PHP4.4.0 and PHP5 - mose amette 1095 [FIX] Import wiki pages put back in service 1096 [FIX] Edit trackers status (messed with list option status) - digao 1097 [FIX] html_entity_decode(), floatval() for PHP4 compatibility 1098 [FIX] 2 WikiWords separated by an unique space should link 1099 [FIX] Fix non closing ~np~ ~pp~ or <pre> , when the closing miss, 1100 takes up to the end (as considering the closing tag is put at the end) 1101 [FIX] Initial condition whith where for search articles 1102 [FIX] Undefined offset: 0 in multitiki: 1103 lib/notifications/notificationemaillib.php 1104 [FIX] Various warnings in searchlib 1105 [FIX] Refactored output filter highlight, no more memory overflow 1106 [FIX] Refactored wikiplugins help loading by edit (1 MBytes saved) 1107 [FIX] Module ephemerides fatal error (Call to a member function on a non-object) 1108 [FIX] Warning when tracker empty removed 1109 [FIX] Proper $groupHome URL if running Tiki in SSL 1110 [FIX] HawHaw PHP5 compatibility - Norbert Huffschmid, amette 1111 [FIX] Plugin WANTEDPAGES ignore pages separated by "+" 1112 [FIX] Removed dead code for gender-feature - luciash 1113 [FIX] Parse trackers textarea the same as wiki pages 1114 [FIX] When using admin validation for new account registration requests, users 1115 are informed by email when their account is activated. - luciash 1116 [FIX] performance optimisation in category admin, orphan pages, stats - sylvie 1117 [FIX] remove unused images a little less greedy - sylvie 1118 [FIX] users upload batch: some improvment and errors messages - sylvie 1119 [FIX] forum: the list has always the same number of forums whatever the perms 1120 are - sylvie 1121 [FIX] wiki: page name with special characters browseable in categories - sylvie 1122 [FIX] forum perms are distinguish from comments perms - sylvie 1123 [FIX] since_last_visit_new module checks for object perms - sylvie 1124 [FIX] ranking checks for object perms - sylvie 1125 [FIX] calendar: tighter perm when accessing calendar item - sylvie 1126 [FIX] forum plain style doesn't display while lines - sylvie 1127 [FIX] forum: a post just after a post delete is no more lost - sylvie 1128 [FIX] forum: keep topic order, comment view param when going next/previous topic 1129 - sylvie 1130 [FIX] forum: lots of permission fixes - sylvie, rv540 1131 [FIX] mods directory gets taken into account by fixperms.sh - mose 1132 [FIX] Messu: Allow messages from other users is by default Yes - digao 1133 [FIX] calendar: Calendars were created with perms only for registered - sylvie 1134 [FIX] tracker: fixed a bug, that let you only vote, when you had the same 1135 language set as the one enabling rating for the tracker - amette 1136 [FIX] RSS: removed tiki-atom.php, it's unused - amette 1137 [FIX] more reliable way to determine admin's email in Contact Us - mdavey 1138 [FIX] fixed download of tracker attachments - lfagundes 1139 [FIX] wiki: editpage urlencodes pagenames - sylvie 1140 [FIX] wiki: undefined templates if wiki templates not set - sylvie 1141 [FIX] wiki: editpage checks category permissions - sylvie 1142 [FIX] imagegal: System Gallery accessible with PHP > 4.1 - amette 1143 [FIX] imagegal: Better GalleryId-check and other fixes - redflo 1144 [FIX] maps: layer manager gets shown by default and various fixes - Franck 1145 [FIX] myTiki: pages, where one is not the last editor, get shown, too - sylvie 1146 [FIX] calendar: tiki_p_admin_calendar is sufficient for admining calendar - 1147 amette 1148 [FIX] wiki: corrected path for pdf-lib - luciash 1149 [FIX] xmlrpc: performance boost for listing pages in send wiki pages and show 1150 number of articles as it is shown later - sylvie 1151 [FIX] xmlrpc: use the new Pear xmlrpc lib in tiki-send_objects.php - amette 1152 [FIX] removed link to tw.o on site unavailable error page - mose 1153 [FIX] tracker: images can be removed from trackers - rv540 1154 [FIX] MySQL 4.1 compatibility - mose 1155 [FIX] index in database for speeding up article-queries - mose 1156 [FIX] PostgreSQL compatibility functions for max() and right() 1157 [FIX] tracker: added icon as placeholder, when no image in image field - rv540, 1158 yoni 1159 [FIX] fixes and more translated words in catalan - xavidp 1160 [FIX] corrected typo in german translation - amette 1161 [FIX] corrections to french translation - sylvie, marclaporte 1162 [FIX] more translated strings in Hungarian - ang 1163 [FIX] more translated strings in Norwegian - gunnarre 1164 [FIX] more translated strings in Brazilian - lfagundes, digao 1165 [FIX] more translated strings in Russian - dimaz 1166 [FIX] fixed blog post for non admin - sylvie 1167 [FIX] database Oracle/PostgreSQL compat, added backticks to query colinmo 1168 [FIX] PostgreSQL compatibility, replaced last_insert_id() - mdavey, mo0co0 1169 [FIX] calendar: fixed a bug, that was listing upcoming events since 1969 - 1170 thenano 1171 [FIX] calendar: upcoming events sorts start_asc instead of desc - fmathias 1172 [FIX] hawhaw: tiki doesn't need to be on the server root no more - sylvie 1173 [FIX] mods: fixed the case when list is not existing at install - mose 1174 [FIX] PostgreSQL compat - Edgar Holleis, sylvie 1175 [FIX] PHP 4.4 compat issue fixed - atooni, mose 1176 [FIX] fix bug, that made function find_exact_all() mix up trackers and files - 1177 amette 1178 [FIX] sheets: added SUMIF function - lfagundes 1179 [FIX] Smarty upgraded to 2.6.10 - mose 1180 [FIX] wellformed XHTML in structure-tocs - ang 1181 [FIX] surveys: fixed a bug, that messed up the user defined order when having 1182 multiple options - rv540 1183 [FIX] tracker: fixed array-initialization bug with mirror table trackers - rv540 1184 [FIX] wiki: only available plugins get used for building wiki-plugin-help 1185 [FIX] wiki: CODE-plugin - optional RTL-param now and displays text by default 1186 LTR - luciash 1187 [FIX] wiki: moved risky plugins to dist 1188 [FIX] wiki: QUOTE-plugin - was missing EXTR_SKIP - sylvie 1189 [FIX] wiki: SNARF-plugin - allows <div id='tbody' - khinckley, sylvie 1190 [FIX] wiki: SPLIT-plugin - more browser-independent - Patrick Allard, 1191 marclaporte 1192 [FIX] wiki: THUMB-plugin - additional URL-param - mose 1193 [FIX] wiki: TRACKERLIST-plugin - new option showstatus=>n - amette 1194 [FIX] wiki: VERSION-plugin - use_best_language capability and fixed problem with 1195 parsing first line - mose 1196 [FIX] wiki: WANTEDPAGES-plugin - ignored pages are seperated by + 1197 [FIX] module: ephemerides - fixed "Call to a member function on a non-object in 1198 multitiki" 1199 [FIX] module: Last Directory Sites/Forum Topics/Articles/Modif Pages/Tracker 1200 Items/Since Last Visit New have additional option absurl=>n - yoni 1201 [FIX] BrTiki - added theme of br.tiki.org - wesleywillians, lfagundes 1202 [FIX] damian.css - show links in module-titles more nicely, fixed problem with 1203 field surrounding with ' - dimaz, sylvie 1204 [FIX] simple.css - better RTL-language compatibility, better reading by 1205 .postbody/.articlebody/.messureadbody, mod_assistant left aligned, alignment of 1206 menu-separatorlines fixed, scrollbar when mid-column content is too wide, 1207 overflow:auto fix for modules, adjusted look and feel of widgets - amette, 1208 luciash 1209 [FIX] forum: fixed attachment perm issue - wulle, amette 1210 [FIX] wiki: if no like pages, then don't say "perhaps your are looking for:" - 1211 sylvie 1212 [FIX] don't show debug in footer, if it is not enabled - mose 1213 [FIX] module: basic module.tpl - div class="box-{$module_name¦escape} for CSS 1214 and display problem fix - ang, mose 1215 [FIX] admin: Added note about the not finished documentation and link to 1216 'Restore Help Pages' on doc.tw.o - amette 1217 [FIX] admin: fixed some missing <td>s and cleaned out 1218 feature_experimental part - sylvie 1219 [FIX] escape forum name to allow for a name with double quotes - sylvie 1220 [FIX] admin: users - add groups to the csv upload help string, same place for 1221 batch result strings and feedback strings, warning message when changing 1222 user-name, that the user has to change his password - sylvie 1223 [FIX] directory: fixed offset calculation - wog 1224 [FIX] added missing poll to tiki-edit_help.tpl - sylvie 1225 [FIX] fixed help-page link in tiki-edit_translation.tpl - amette 1226 [FIX] file gallery: wellformed XTHML, table closing was wrong 1227 [FIX] file gallery: fixed display of empty colspan - mose 1228 [FIX] install: corrected a typo - amette 1229 [FIX] community: when searching for users, say "users like", not "users 1230 registered" - amette 1231 [FIX] Don't show cleartext password in newsreader, show asterisks - amette 1232 [FIX] linebreaks and htmlspecialchars in "Normal"-mode of MyTiki notepad - 1233 amette 1234 [FIX] wiki: fixed the display of page title being optional - mose 1235 [FIX] image gallery: galleryId can be null - sylvie 1236 [FIX] Added "edit css" button in Admin->General panel and show it in 1237 user_preferences only if permission - sylvie 1238 [FIX] Added missing tooltips to accept/reject/trash-icons in user_tasks - amette 1239 [FIX] tracker: fixed table messup in list items view, when activating 1240 tracker-rating - amette 1241 [FIX] traker: list view - don't show date if field is empty, mandatory scrolling 1242 list doesn't display empty value, translation of country names - sylvie 1243 [FIX] tracker: default size for placeholder image - rv540 1244 [FIX] RTL language fix in tiki.tpl - luciash 1245 [FIX] fixed the blank image for xhtml compliant style closing of tag and 1246 height-property - ang 1247 [FIX] removed HTML-code from validation mail, since it's plain text - luciash 1248 [FIX] password reminder mail fix - wog, damian 1249 [FIX] better structured/readable tracker-changed-notification-mail and better 1250 stripping of field-names from simplified tracker-notification-mails - amette 1251 [FIX] blog-notification-mails have post title in addition to blog title - xavidp 1252 [FIX] bottom bar updated - damian 1253 [FIX] added missing blanks in tiki.tpls - sylvie 1254 [FIX] minor fix to module wiki last comments - luciash 1255 [FIX] fixed two wrong messages considering tracker-feature disabled - ohertel 1256 [FIX] Fixed name of admin ephemerides in menu - ohertel 1257 [FIX] more translated strings in German - ohertel 1258 [FIX] maps: working with Windows - Franck 1259 [FIX] changed tiki-install.tpl to reflect the new upgrade-script-paradigm - 1260 amette 1261 [FIX] Tiki-version 1.9.2 is a valid version in security admin - amette 1262 [FIX] Tiki-mobile is in main menu - ohertel 1263 [FIX] added missing function view_blog to tiki-mobile - ohertel 1264 [FIX] forums/articles/threads etc. only in mobile mode, if tiki-mobile is 1265 activated - ohertel 1266 [MOD] wikistr...

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