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Introducing the Editorial Board

mlpvolt - - (10898 Reads)

Tikiwiki has introduced an Editorial Board to help people learn about the Tikiwiki Manual of Style, the Documentation Templates and other procedural stuff that makes some people's teeth hurt.
Any interested editors bent on creating order in this wiki are welcome to sign on.
While it lacks formal authority, editorial board members are a group that have a clue about what is going on in the documentation and also sometimes have an opinion. Currently being debated are the use of status indicators on documentation pages and whether or not to elect a Chief Editor.

Top 5 Documentation Tasks This Week, October 15, 2006

dthacker - - (7753 Reads)

From the "I-wasn't-on-strike-just-really-busy-department":
Sorry I missed last week, but let's get right back on track. Thanks to marclaporte for moving d.tw.o to a shiny new server, and thanks to mlpvolt for his work on trackers. Thanks also to Sylvie for the work on plugin docs. This week's focus is on "Things That Remain Blank"

Top 5 Documentation Tasks This Week, October 1, 2006

dthacker - - (6973 Reads)

From the "Dept-of-little-known-tiki-facts":
A new month, a new list of requests. Thanks to torpedro for his work on custom menus and to ricks99 for his work on FAQ's. Take a look at this weeks tasks, there's something there you can do!

Top 5 Documentation Tasks This Week, September 24, 2006

dthacker - - (5775 Reads)

From the yes-tiki-will-do-that department: Another week, another top five things to add to ever increasing tiki documentation set. Thanks to ricks99 for his excellent work on Spellchecking last week. You can join the party too.

New FAQs

Rick - - (5939 Reads)

A new effort is underway to create a new set of FAQs, hosted on doc.tw.o. I have begun to examine the common forum postings and creating FAQs (and answers) for them. My hope is that they will (eventually) be used to answer the common (err... frequently asked) questions. At a later time, the FAQs from tw.o will be ported over, as well. Review the new FAQs...

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