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Stuff below is really old. Please go to Windows Server Install

Windows IIS Install

This is an installation guide. This page needs to be refactored

Tikiwiki 19 on IIS

I am developing a complete set of instructions for Tiki 1.9 that will be available when 1.9 comes out.

These are the steps I used when I installed a fresh copy of Tiki19 on IIS 5 and IIS 6.

I followed the instructions on the IISInstall page when I first started using Tiki back at version 1.6, so be sure that you follow them if this is your first time setting up Tiki on your system. I've included a portion of the code samples from the IISInstall page below.


Download and unpack the contents of the 19 distribution into a folder.


Create the IIS virtual directory for the IIS server, pointing to the directory where Tiki19 was placed.


Edit the tiki-install.php and tiki-setup.php files accordingly:

  • Edit c:\tikiwiki_*\tiki-install.php (the actual directory depends on which version you have installed)
    • You will need to use a UNIX-linefeed-friendly editor. I use Crimson Editor
    • Change the line: $docroot = dirname($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']);
    • To: $docroot = dirname('c:/tikiwiki_*'); // Specify the real directory based on the Tikiwiki version
  • Edit c:\tikiwiki_*\tiki-setup.php (the actual directory depends on which version you have installed)
    • You will need to use a UNIX-linefeed-friendly editor. I use Crimson Editor
    • Change the line: $docroot = dirname($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']);
    • To: $docroot = dirname('c:/tikiwiki_*'); // Specify the real directory based on the Tikiwiki version
    • Change
// Fix IIS servers not setting what they should set


// Fix IIS servers not setting what they should set:
if (TikiSetup::os() == "windows")
	$uri = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
	$len = strlen($uri);
	if (substr($uri, $len -1) == "/")
		$uri = substr($uri, 0, $len -1);
		$uri = substr($uri, 0, $len - strlen($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) -1);
		$uri = $uri . "?" . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"];
	$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] = $uri;


Search the tiki-setup.php file for the following line:

Before the change
Copy to clipboard
$smarty->assign('feature_bidi', $feature_bidi);

Edit it to look like that:

After the change
Copy to clipboard
$feature_bidi = 'n'; $smarty->assign('feature_bidi', $feature_bidi);


Search the tiki-setup.php file for the following: $docroot/$dir/$tikidomain
and comment out the section of code:

//        foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
//            if (!is_dir("$docroot/$dir/$tikidomain")) {
//                $errors .= "The directory '$docroot/$dir/$tikidomain' does not exist.\n";
//            } else if (!is_writeable("$docroot/$dir/$tikidomain")) {
//                $errors .= "The directory '$docroot/$dir/$tikidomain' is not writeable by $wwwuser.\n";
//            }
//        }

Open up the Tiki web site from a browser to begin the setup process.

older version (circa 1.7)


  • See UpgradeTo18 for upgrading from 1.7 to 1.8
  • If you are installing Tikiwiki 1.9, see

  1. There's an error message after adding a blog, but the blog is added correctly
  2. Don't use the Mozilla theme or you'll be sorry
  3. Office documents don't properly download from IE. Right click on the attachment and choose "Save Target As..."
  4. You'll get an error message if you click on "last forum topics" on the right and try to edit the post
    • Renavigate to the post using the forum list and then edit the post
  5. Reading a forum thread that doesn't have any comments results in the right sidebar being displayed underneath the left sidebar

These issues are relating to Internet Explorer usage, not IIS specifically - Damian

Installing IIS
  • Go to the control panel, add/remove programs, and click the add/remove Windows Components button
  • Select IIS
  • You may need to reboot
  • Go to the start menu, followed by Windows Update
  • Install all service packs and critical updates

Installing MySQL
  • Download MySQL
  • How to install mySQL on Windows
  • Install MySQL as a service as described in the above link
  • By default, it is possible to log into MySQL with no username or password. I don't know how to change this behavior, but it's not a recommended configuration.

Installing TikiWiki
If you are installing Tiki 1.8 or later, don't follow these instuctions and move to the next section
  • Download TikiWiki
  • Using WinZip, extract to c:\ using folder names
  • Versions prior to 1.8 only Enter the following from the command line:
    • cd /d c:\tikiwiki_* (the actual directory depends on which version you have installed)
    • mkdir templates_c
    • Go to Windows Explorer and modify the security for the folder c:\tikiwiki_*\templates_c
    • Allow write access for the users whose names start with IUSR and IWAM
    • Note: 2004-10-01 Installed current stable version (1.7.8) and also had to allow write access to the tikiwiki base directory.
  • Versions 1.8 and later only Enter the following from the command line:
    • cd /d c:\tikiwiki_* (the actual directory depends on which version you have installed)
    • cd lib
    • mkdir \php4
    • xcopy /i /e pear \php4
  • Edit c:\tikiwiki_*\tiki-install.php (the actual directory depends on which version you have installed)
    • You will need to use a UNIX-linefeed-friendly editor. I use Crimson Editor
    • Change the line: $docroot = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
    • To: $docroot = dirname('c:/tikiwiki_*'); // Specify the real directory based on the Tikiwiki version
  • Edit c:\tikiwiki_*\tiki-setup.php (the actual directory depends on which version you have installed)
    • You will need to use a UNIX-linefeed-friendly editor. I use Crimson Editor
    • Change the line: $docroot = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
    • To: $docroot = dirname('c:/tikiwiki_*'); // Specify the real directory based on the Tikiwiki version
    • Change
// Fix IIS servers not setting what they should set (ay ay
IIS, ay ay)


// Fix IIS servers not setting what they should set (ay ay IIS, ay ay)
if (TikiSetup::os() == "windows")
	$uri = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
	$len = strlen($uri);
	if (substr($uri, $len -1) == "/")
		$uri = substr($uri, 0, $len -1);
		$uri = substr($uri, 0, $len - strlen($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) -1);
		$uri = $uri . "?" . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"];
	$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] = $uri;

Installing PHP 4.x

There are two ways to use PHP. CGI or ISAPI.



  • Download and run the setup program
  • Install PHP to c:\php
  • Ignore errors regarding "missing OCX"
  • Run Start/Program Files/Administrative Tools/Internet Services Manager
  • Navigate to your web site
  • Right-click on Default Web Site and select New/Virtual Directory
    • Directory name: tiki
    • Directory location: c:\tikiwiki_* (actual directory depends on which version you installed)
    • Check the "Execute" check box
  • Right-click on Default Web Site again
    • Go to the Home Directory Tab
    • Click the Configuration... button
    • Click Add
      • Executable: c:\php\php.exe
      • Extension: .php


  • Modify c:\winnt\php.ini
  • Search for "SMTP" and enter your SMTP server and return email address

Testing PHP
  • This page contains a simple PHP script. Copy everything between < php and ? > (inclusive) to the file c:\tikiwiki_*\test.php (actual directory depends on which version you installed)
  • Fire up your browser and go to http://localhost/tiki/test.php
  • You should see a page that contains all the holidays in the current year — if not, review this documentation with the actual steps you performed

Configuring and Testing TikiWiki
  • Open a browser and go to http://localhost/tiki/tiki-install.php
    • The password for the admin account is 'admin'
  • Create a tiki database
  • Go to http://localhost/tiki/index.php
  • Log in as admin/admin and promptly change the password
  • It is recommended that you delete c:\tikiwiki_*\tiki-install.php or move it to a folder that isn't accessible via the web

Enjoy Using TikiWiki!

please also see: