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Tutorial - User Notifications

How to set up the feature "User Notifications" available since Tiki13. Images come from the presentation shown by Nelson Ko in the March 2014 Webinar.

1.1. Enable the feature

Enable the feature in "Main application menu > Admin > Admin home > Community"

Click to expand
Click to expand

1.2. Notice the changes in the interface

A black top bar shows up, and the usual "User Watches" icon of the eye is replaced by another icon with darker color.

Click to expand
Click to expand

1.3. Set up some notifications

Click to expand
Click to expand

Once the notification is set up, when the page is changed, the notification counter is updated in the top bar.

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

1.4. Set up 'Elasticsearch'

Set up 'Elasticsearch' to get other related features, such as the notification digests and stored queries.

Click to expand
Click to expand

After changing the unified search engine, you need to re-build the search index.

Click to expand
Click to expand

1.5. Notification digests

Then you can enable the feature notification digests:

Click to expand
Click to expand

This way, you can later on set to "High" the choice in the drop down at the user notifications of tiki objects. This way they will get added to the next periodic digest.

Click to expand
Click to expand

1.6. Stored Searches

Enable the feature first:

Click to expand
Click to expand

Then the search interface for users allows them to choose other options, such as "Store query" or "View Stored queries":

Click to expand
Click to expand

When you click at the button "Store query" shown in the previous image, you can define its options in a pop up screen:

Click to expand
Click to expand

Later on, you can see the stored queries through teh link provided in the search form and edit them:

Click to expand
Click to expand

Now, we will add a new stored query for the search string "nelson". First we add the word "nelson" in the search form, and then we click at the button "Store query" in a similar way to what was shown in a previous image.

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Click to expand
Click to expand

Therefore, whenever someone edits a tiki object (wiki page, ...) and adds the string "nelson", the user will be notified.

Click to expand
Click to expand

In this case, the user is notified through the screen counter, because that edition was done in the wiki page "Homepage", which was also being monitored:

Click to expand
Click to expand

But in the next periodic notification digest, the user will be notified that the text string "nelson" was typed in a tiki page (the Homepage in this case).

