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The "Tiki Remote Instance Manager (TRIM)" will go into maintenance mode, and the code will be forked and revamped to become its replacement, now known as the "Tiki Manager".

TRIM on Cygwin



 2018-05-11 Update

After some tests and usage...

  • Marc Laporte and Jonny Bradley have found issues with the PHP that comes from Cygwin: https://cygwin.com/faq/faq.html#faq.using.anti-virus and thus, we'll revert to native PHP.
  • Victor (kroky6) and Marc had similar unreliability with MariaDB (segfaults): so we'll revert to native MariaDB.
  • TRIM will be ported to Symfony so we can run as much as possible in PHP

Therefore, this page should probably be updated.

How to install

Install Cygwin normally. If you are behind a corporate firewall, you may need to select "Use System Proxy Settings" for the Internet Connection (instead of "Direct Connection")

And the select the following packages:

Category: Admin

  • cron

Category: Archive

  • bzip2

Category: Database

  • mysql (client)
  • sqlite3 (client)

Category: Devel

  • make
  • subversion (do not install this if you intend to use TortoiseSVN)

Category: Net

  • rsync
  • openssh

Category: PHP

  • php
  • php-ctype
  • php-curl
  • php-iconv
  • php-json
  • php-mysqli
  • php-pdo_sqlite
  • php-phar
  • php-sqlite3
  • php-zip
  • php-zlib

For Tiki instances

If you are also going to install Tiki instances in the same Cygwin, you also need:
Category: Database

  • mysql-serverpdo

Category: PHP

  • php-calendar
  • php-fileinfo
  • php-gd
  • php-intl
  • php-mbstring
  • php-pdo_mysql


  • patch (This is to patch some of Tiki's external dependencies from Composer)

Nice to have packages

  • curl (to query Elasticsearch)
  • nano (text editor)
  • wget (to fetch files from websites)
  • mc (file management)
  • opcache (for better performance)

See also: http://techne.alaya.net/?p=13579

Cygdrive and paths

When in the Cygwin shell, you will a familar set of folders, such as /etc /home /var ... To access files in Windows, use the cygdrive

Using TortoiseSVN instead of Subversion from Cygwin

Why use TortoiseSVN?

  • Having TortoiseSVN can make it easier for some site admins
  • TortoiseSVN gives you both GUI and CLI (when requested during install)
  • TortoiseSVN has a Proxy Setting that worked while setting same proxy in Cygwin has not worked for SVN

Either use Cygwin's SVN or TortoiseSVN, but not both.

If you intend to use TortoiseSVN instead of the Cygwin packages, ensure that TortoiseSVN svn client is available form Cygwin shell:

  1. Open the Cygwin shell
  2. Type "which svn"
  3. You should see something like: "/cygdrive/c/Program Files/TortoiseSVN/bin/svn"

Once Cygwin is all set up, you can install TRIM normally.


  • Document how to start set Cygwin Apache as a service
    • What is the interest of Cygwin Apache?
      • Updates are handled by Cygwin
  • Document how to open firewall for a server, and close firewall for a personal computer
  • Document sending mail
  • Go through TRIM Test Plan

Ideas for the future