Related Topics
- Overview
- Enables features that are useful to programmers and Tiki developers
- To Access
- From the Features page, click the Programmer tab.
Option | Description | Default |
Internet of things | Enable usage of Tiki Internet of Things apps You can use this feature to connect your physical objects with your Tiki instance and collect/monitor your data in real time |
Disabled |
Integrator | Disabled | |
Edit Blogs with XMLRPC API | Tiki implements the XML-RPC API of wBlogger. This API is used by several Windows applications that can be used to manage weblogs. Any application implementing the wBlogger XML-RPC API can be used to edit Tiki blogs. | Disabled |
Debugger console | A popup console with a list of all PHP and Smarty variables used to render the current webpage. It can be viewed by clicking 'Quick Administration->Smarty debug window' or by appending ?show_smarty_debug=1 or &show_smarty_debug=1 to the page URL. You may also execute SQL, watch vars and perform a number of other functions. Only viewable by admins Not suitable for production use. |
Disabled |
TikiTests | Permits recording and playback of functional tests | Disabled |
Smarty compilation | Indicates when the template cache should be refreshed. Modified | Never check (performance) | Always (development, slow) |
Modified |
Web services | Can receive web services via JSON or YAML. | Disabled |
Dummy preference | This is useful for developers to learn how to create a new preference. HTML may be used. This is the detail. This is the hint. Wiki syntax may be used. This is the shorthint. Wiki syntax may be used. This is the warning. |
This is the default value o... |
PHP Error reporting level | Level of errors to be reported. Errors can be seen in a collapsible box at the bottom of the page, if any exist. No error reporting | Report all PHP errors except strict | Report all PHP errors | Report all PHP errors except notices | According to the PHP configuration |
Report all PHP errors excep... |
PHP errors visible to admin only | PHP Errors will be shown to only the Admin user. During site development, it's better to display errors to all users. However, in production settings, errors should only be displayed to administrators. |
Enabled |
Include Smarty notices in the PHP error report | Tiki will display Smarty notices with the PHP error messages. In most cases, Smarty notices can be safely ignored. However, they may be useful in the development process when unexpected issues occur. |
Disabled |
Log mail in Tiki logs | A line of type mail will be included in the System Log with the destination address and subject of each email sent. May impact performance |
Disabled |
Log SQL | All SQL queries will be registered in the database in the tiki_sql_query_logs table. Do not enable this feature all the time. It can be very resource intensive and will impact performance. |
Disabled |
Log queries using more than | Use to log only queries that exceed a specific amount of time. May impact performance |
0.05 seconds |
Smarty template usage indicator | Add HTML comment at start and end of each Smarty template (.tpl file) Clear the Tiki system cache for this change to take effect. Use only for development, not in production at a live site, because these warnings are added to emails as well, and are visible to users in the page source. May impact performance |
Disabled |
Custom JavaScript | Includes a block of inline JavaScript after the inclusion of jQuery and other JavaScript libs in all pages. Use PluginJS to include Javascript on a single wiki page. Do not include the < sc |
None |
Smarty security | Enable/Disable Smarty security. If checked, you can then define allowed and disabled modifiers and tags(functions, blocks and filters) that should be or not accesible to the template. You should leave this on unless you know what you are doing. |
Enabled |