Polls tab
Related Topics
- Overview
- Use this page to configure the global settings for polls.
- To Access
- From the Polls page, click the Polls tab. http://example.org/tiki-admin.php?page=polls
Option | Description | Default |
Polls | Presentation of a set of votable options, typically displayed in a module | Disabled |
Plugin Poll | Embed a poll | Enabled |
Anonymous voting | Allow anonymous users to participate in voting This can be overridden by specific permissions. |
Disabled |
Allow re-voting | Visitors can vote mulitiple times in a poll. | Enabled |
Comments for polls | Users with permission may post threaded comments. The comments will appear at the bottom of the page. | Disabled |
Number per page | Number of comments to show on poll pages | 10 comments |
Display order | The order in which order polls are displayed Newest first | Oldest first | Points |
Points |
Show categories | For polls that are categorized, the category is displayed. | Disabled |
Show objects | List wiki pages or other site objects that the poll is attached to. | Disabled |
Multiple polls per object | When used with the rating features, allow multiple polls to be attached to a single object. | Disabled |
Precision of survey results calculation | Number of decimal places in the percentage figures | 2 decimal places |