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Show the full category path for a wiki page

Plugin Category Path

This wiki plugin displays the full category path for the wiki page where the plugin is inserted.


Show the full category path for a wiki page
Introduced in Tiki 1.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: feature_categories, wikiplugin_catpath

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
divider String used to separate the categories in the path. Default character is >. > 1
top (blank)
Show the top category as part of the path name (not shown by default) no 1


Let's say you had a page with the lyrics to the song Hands on the Wheel, and it is categorized by the singer and the composer, and that all pages with song lyrics on the site are categorized as Songs. Here's what the CATPATH plugin would produce on that page:

This code,

Example syntax
Copy to clipboard

Would produce:


Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
11 PluginCatpath1.jpg PluginCatpath screenshot lindon 9.41 Kb 2844