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See also PluginAppFrame

1. Introduction

New to Tiki19
Create out of the box unique landing pages by turning off header, footer, and site columns. This documentation page is using plugin Layout.

Copy to clipboard
{layout header="n" footer="n" leftcolumn="n" rightcolumn="n" fullwidth="y" contentwidth="80%" bgimage="tiki-download_wiki_attachment.php?attId=97" bgrepeat="repeat" topmargin="1%" contentbg="#F6F3D1B3" contenttextcolor="#000" contentradius="0" contentboxshadow="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)" actionbuttons="n" topbar="n" pagetopbar="n" pagebottombar="n"}

1.1. Usability

Main purpose for Plugin Layout is to have the ability to create landing pages easily. These landing pages has the capability to remove standard header, footer and right/left columns on the screen and give user the full screen to setup something out of the box such as creative Sign Up, Download, and Feedback Pages. Which don't have any other distraction and user should be able to focus on the core objective of the page.

1.2. Parameters

Configure display details of the page header, footer, and side columns, as well as content width and background, etc.; helpful in creating landing/splash pages, etc.
Introduced in Tiki 19.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: wikiplugin_layout

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
fileIds any string except for HTML and PHP tags List of IDs of images from the file galleries, separated by commas.
contentbg text Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5). 19.0
contenttextcolor text Enter a valid CSS color hex code; for example, #000, #fff, #ccc. 19.0
bgimage text Enter image URL, in the case of a single image. 19.0
separator: :
Enter file gallery ID for slideshow background. 19
transitiondelay digits Time interval to pause before moving to the next slide, in seconds. 5 19.0
bgrepeat repeat
Options are cover, repeat, no-repeat n 19.0
contentradius text Enter px or % to give the content round corners; for example, 10px. 19.0
contentboxshadow text To create a shadow around the content, for example: 10px 10px 5px grey, 1px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), 0 4px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2). 19.0
footer y
Set to No to hide the footer (bottom module zone). y 19.0
header y
Set to No to hide the page header (top module zone). y 19.0
leftcolumn y
Set to No to hide the left column. y 19.0
rightcolumn y
Set to No to hide the right column. y 19.0
fullwidth n
Override fixed width, if set, to have liquid layout. n 19.0
bgcolor text Enter a valid CSS color hex code, or an RGBA value if setting opacity is desired; for example: #000 or rgba(00, 00, 00, 0.5). 19.0
topmargin text Enter value in % or px; for example, 30%, 300px. Default is 0. 0 19.0
contentwidth text Enter page content width in px or %; for example, 1000px, leave blank for same width as page body.) 19.0
footerwidth text Enter page footer width in px or %; leave blank for same width as page body. 0 19.0
headerwidth text Enter page header width in px or %; leave blank for same width as page body. 0 19.0
nosidemargins n
Enable background images, etc. to span the complete width of the page. n 20.0
actionbuttons y
Set to No to hide the page action buttons. y 19.0
pagebottombar y
Set to No to hide the pagebottom module zone. y 19.0
pagetopbar y
Set to No to hide the pagetop module zone. y 19.0
topbar y
Set to No to hide the topbar (top module zone). y 19.0

1.3. Enable Plugin Layout

Go to Tiki Administration and search for "Layout" and you will find following two options to be enabled in the results.


1.4. How to get started

Create a new Tiki page or open an existing page and add the Plugin Layout to it using the page editor as shown in the diagram below.

Add Plugin Layout

2. Examples

Following are some examples of what we can create with Plugin Layout.

2.1. Software Download Page

Page header, footer, left and right columns are removed to give only the download button with some information. A clean and focused landing page for downloads.

Full Screen Down Page

2.2. Website Login Page

Simple login page with tiled background image.


2.3. Social Connect Page

A simple page to connect visitors to website social media accounts and show live feed from facebook.

Social Layout Page

2.4. Multiple Backgrounds Layout

This example built with Plugin Layout shows how to use multiple images slideshow in the background.

Multi Bg Layout

Created by Gary Cunningham-Lee. Last Modification: Tuesday 16 March, 2021 16:40:27 GMT-0000 by Marc Laporte.

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
97 hexagons_tiling_background.png Uploaded for the background of PluginLayout. Gary Cunningham-Lee 4.64 Kb 76