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Show the distribution of users among groups | Documentation for Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
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Show the distribution of users among groups

Plugin Group Stat

Introduced in Tiki4

This wiki plugin is used to show the distribution of users among a list of groups.


Tiki Doc From Code error: groupstat not found


Using percent of site users

This code:

Copy to clipboard
{groupstat percent_of="site"}

Would produce on this site:

Group Name Number of Users Percentage of Total
Admins 35 0.30%
DocContributors 10 0.09%
DocTwoAdmins 22 0.19%
DocTwoEditors 14 0.12%
Team Developers 352 3.06%


Here's a screenshot of an example listing showing numeric percentages:

Created by sylvie. Last Modification: Wednesday 07 August, 2019 09:04:42 GMT-0000 by Yves Kipondo.
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