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Consolidated admin bar with an easy access to quick admin links, recent changes, and important admin features

Module (Quick) Admin Bar

"Module intended mainly for Admins to quickly access frequently used admin areas and features"


It is not enabled by default on fresh installs, even if it is a very wise addition to add it.

Admin bar module in the Module plugin
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{MODULE(module=adminbar, mode=module)}{MODULE}


Consolidated admin bar with an easy access to quick admin links, recent changes, and important admin features

Go to the source code

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
mode Display mode: module or header. Leave empty for module mode


Adding this module to the zop zone with mode=header and nobox: y would produce something like:

Click to expand
Click to expand

When you click on the icon, a new admin bar is shown at the top, as demostrated in the image above, with links to history of actions performed as admin, quick links to usual tasks, and buttons to the main control panels with controls to display more buttons to the sides of that bar if requested with the side arrows.

See these pages for information that applies for all modules: