General Settings tab
- Overview
- Use this tab to configure the general settings for most textarea and text entry fields.
- To Access
- From the General Admin page, click the General Preferences tab.
Option | Description | Default |
Full screen | Allow users to activate full-screen mode. | Disabled |
Use file galleries to store images | If not enabled, images will be stored in the file system, in the /img/wiki_up directory, instead. | Enabled |
Dynamic content system | Block of content which can be reused and programmed (timed) | Disabled |
Search and replace | Enables finding and replacing of content in the edit box | Enabled |
Code editor (CodeMirror) | CodeMirror code editor, which provides syntax highlighting | Disabled |
Syntax highlighter (CodeMirror) Theme | CodeMirror themes (clear cache after changing) default | Off (but switchable) | 3024-day | 3024-night | ambiance | ambiance-mobile | base16-dark | base16-light | blackboard | cobalt | eclipse | elegant | erlang-dark | lesser-dark | mbo | midnight | monokai | neat | night | paraiso-dark | paraiso-light | rubyblue | solarized | the-matrix | tomorrow-night-eighties | twilight | vibrant-ink | xq-dark | xq-light |
Off (but switchable) |
Full WYSIWYG editor | WYSIWYG is an acronym for "What You See Is What You Get". CKEditor is used to provide a word-processor-like editing experience. | Enabled |
Ajax auto-save | Save content during editing, enabling work to be recovered after any interruption. Also enable a real-time preview. This option is required for WYSIWYG plugin processing. | Enabled |
Preview Edits | Add a preview tab to text areas. | Enabled |
Smileys | Also known as emoticons | Enabled |
Wiki paragraph formatting | When the wiki paragraph formatting feature is on, all groups of non-blank lines are collected into paragraphs. Lines can be of any length, and will be wrapped together with the next line. Paragraphs are separated by blank lines. When the Wiki paragraph formatting feature is off, each line will be presented as you write it. This means that if you want paragraphs to be wrapped properly, a paragraph should be all together on one line. | Enabled |
Create line breaks within paragraphs | When Wiki paragraph formatting is enabled, this option creates line breaks within paragraphs. | Enabled |
Parse wiki syntax in comments | Parse wiki syntax in comments in all sections apart from Forums Use "Accept wiki syntax" for forums in admin forums page |
Enabled |
Automonospaced text | Lines indented with spaces will automatically be converted to monospace font. | Disabled |
Tables syntax | || for rows | <return> for rows | <return> for rows |
Wiki argument variables | Allow writing request variables in wiki content using or - special case Editing and Plugins General Settings | Disabled |
Dynamic variables | Global snippets of text that can be included in wiki pages and edited in place. Disabled | Single (%varname%) | Double (%%varname%%) |
Single (%varname%) |
Multilingual dynamic variables | Make dynamic variable content language-specific. | Disabled |
Multilevel style numbering for ordered lists | Make ordered list items display unique numbers for all levels of their sub-items; for example: 1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, etc. | Disabled |
Convert from absolute to relative link | Process wiki text and convert internal links from absolute to relative links | Enabled |
Markdown | Support markdown syntax. | Disabled |
Github-flavored markdown | Enable Github-flavored markdown. | Enabled |
Default syntax | Which syntax to use as the default wiki syntax when a new content block is created. Tiki-style wiki syntax | Markdown |
Tiki-style wiki syntax |
Enable Typography Features | Features to replace normal characters with typographic equivalents | Disabled |
Smart “curly” quotes | Convert "straight" quotes to “curly” ones, also convert ’ apostrophe and ‘single’ quotes | Disabled |
Convert approximative ASCII quotes | Convert plain-ASCII quote substitutes `` '' ,, << >> to their typographic equivalent “ ” „ « » | Disabled |
Smart em-dash and ellipsis | Convert double hyphen — to em-dash — and three consecutive dots ... to typographic ellipsis character… | Disabled |
Smart no-break space | Prevents line breaks from occuring at unfortunate places in the text by replacing regular space character with no-break spaces where appropriate: around some punctuation, when used as thousand separator, and between a unit abbreviation and the number preceding it. | Enabled |
Plugin Add Bibliography | Add bibliography listing in the footer of a wiki page | Disabled |
Plugin Add Reference | Add a bibliography reference. | Disabled |
Plugin Anchor Link | Create a link to an anchor | Disabled |
Plugin Anchor Name | Create an anchor that can be linked to | Disabled |
Plugin Box | Create a formatted box with a title bar | Enabled |
Plugin Button | Add a link formatted as a button | Disabled |
Plugin Center | Center text | Enabled |
Plugin Code | Display code with syntax highlighting and line numbering. | Enabled |
Plugin Countdown | Display the time until or after a date and time | Disabled |
Plugin Div | Define and format sections of a page or text | Enabled |
Plugin Definition List | Create a definition list | Enabled |
Plugin Fade | Create a link that shows/hides initially hidden content | Enabled |
Plugin Fancy List | Create a formatted numbered list | Enabled |
Plugin Fancy Table | Create a formatted table that can be filtered and sorted | Enabled |
Plugin Font | Format the font type and size of text | Disabled |
Plugin Footnote | Create automatically numbered footnotes (together with PluginFootnoteArea) | Disabled |
Plugin Footnote Area | Create automatically numbered footnotes (together with PluginFootnote) | Disabled |
Plugin Gauge | Display a horizontal bar gauge | Disabled |
Plugin HTML | Add HTML to a page | Enabled |
Plugin Iframe | Include the body of another web page in a scrollable frame within a page | Disabled |
Plugin Include | Include a portion of another wiki page | Enabled |
Plugin Monospace | Display text in a monospace font | Disabled |
Plugin Mouseover | Display hidden content by mousing over text | Enabled |
Plugin MediaWiki Table | Display a table using MediaWiki syntax | Disabled |
Plugin Now | Show the current date and time | Enabled |
Plugin Quote | Format text as a quote | Enabled |
Plugin Remarks Box | Display a comment, tip, note or warning box | Enabled |
Plugin Scroll | Show animated text that scrolls up or down | Disabled |
Plugin Sort | Sort lines of text | Enabled |
Plugin Split | Arrange content on a page into rows and columns | Enabled |
Plugin Superscript | Apply superscript font to text | Enabled |
Plugin Subscript | Apply subscript font to text | Enabled |
Plugin Tabs | Arrange content in tabs | Enabled |
Plugin Tag | Apply an HTML tag to content | Disabled |
Plugin Table of Contents (Structure) | Display a table of contents of pages in a structure | Enabled |
Plugin Versions | Create tabs for showing alternate versions of content | Disabled |
Plugin Show Preference | Display the value of public global preferences | Disabled |
Plugin CasperJS | Enable running CasperJS scripts from this Tiki site. | Disabled |
HTML purifier | HTML Purifier is a standards-compliant HTML filter library written in PHP and integrated in Tiki. HTML Purifier will not only remove all malicious code (better known as XSS) with a thoroughly audited, secure yet permissive whitelist, it will also ensure that your documents are standards-compliant. Keep in mind that HTML Purifier is not HTML5 compatible and may rewrite HTML5 syntax and produce unwanted results. If you use HTML in your wiki page and it gets stripped out or rewritten, make sure your HTML is valid, or de-activate this feature. Keep in mind that HTML Purifier is not HTML5 compatible and may rewrite HTML5 syntax and produce unwanted results. |
Enabled |
AutoLinks | Web (http://) and email addresses will automatically be converted to links. | Enabled |
Hotwords | Disabled | |
Open hotwords in new window | Disabled | |
Characters that limit a hotword | \n\t\r\,\;\(\)\.\:\[\]\{\}\... | |
Use Quote plugin rather than ">" for quoting | Disabled | |
Center text using ::: instead of :: | Useful to avoid conflicts with C++ scope operators or default namespace separator | Disabled |
String to use to delimit simplebox | ^ | |
Text string used to customise mail templates | Text string used to customise mail templates and added as a pref reference in the appropriate mail tpl files | None |
Wiki | 20 rows | |
Comment box | Size (height) of the comment text area. | 6 rows |
Forum | 20 rows | |
Forum reply | 10 rows | |
Cache external pages | Disabled | |
Cache external images | Disabled | |
External link icon | External links will be identified with an icon. To customize the icon, change the "link-external" icon in the icon set. | Enabled |
Add "rel=nofollow" to external links | Nofollow is used to instruct some search engines that the link should not influence the ranking of the link's target in the search engine's index. | Disabled |
Open external links in new window | Open links to external sites in a new browser tab or window. | Enabled |
Allow image lazy loading | Allow that images are loaded in a lazy way | Disabled |