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Image Files Located in the img/icons Directory
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Directory Img-Icons Files

All of the icons files shown in the following image are located in the img/flags directory. Because of the number of icons (238), they are displayed in 5 images with about 50 icons per image.

1stars.gif to color4.gif


These files can be displayed with the following syntax:
{img src=img/icons/NAME} where NAME is the name of the file.

Note: Punctuation is important! The difference between Images and images may seem minor - but - the difference is File Not Found

comment.gif to icon_folder.gif


These files can be displayed with the following syntax:
{img src=img/icons/NAME} where NAME is the name of the file.

Note: Punctuation is important! The difference between Images and images may seem minor - but - the difference is File Not Found

icon_folder_t.gif to mini_blue_diamond.gif


These files can be displayed with the following syntax:
{img src=img/icons/NAME} where NAME is the name of the file.

Note: Punctuation is important! The difference between Images and images may seem minor - but - the difference is File Not Found

mini_blue_hexagon.gif to search_path.gif


These files can be displayed with the following syntax:
{img src=img/icons/NAME} where NAME is the name of the file.

Note: Punctuation is important! The difference between Images and images may seem minor - but - the difference is File Not Found

select.gif to zoom.gif


These files can be displayed with the following syntax:
{img src=img/icons/NAME} where NAME is the name of the file.

Capitalization is important! The difference between Images and images may seem minor, but the difference is File Not Found.

Created by system. Last Modification: Wednesday 24 July, 2019 12:17:05 GMT-0000 by Yves Kipondo.