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Date and Time tab

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Configure how Tiki displays date and time information.
To Access
From the General Admin page, click the Date and Time tab.
See the Date and Time Formats table and PHP Manual for detailed information on date and time settings.

Option Description Default
Time zone Indicates the default time zone to use for the server.
Africa/Abidjan | Africa/Accra | Africa/Addis_Ababa | Africa/Algiers | Africa/Asmara | Africa/Bamako | Africa/Bangui | Africa/Banjul | Africa/Bissau | Africa/Blantyre | Africa/Brazzaville | Africa/Bujumbura | Africa/Cairo | Africa/Casablanca | Africa/Ceuta | Africa/Conakry | Africa/Dakar | Africa/Dar_es_Salaam | Africa/Djibouti | Africa/Douala | Africa/El_Aaiun | Africa/Freetown | Africa/Gaboron...
Displayed time zone Use time zone set from user preferences, or the automatically detected time zone for anonymous (if browser allows). Site default is used as fallback.
Always the site default time zone. | Use time zone set from user preferences, or the automatically detected time zone for anonymous (if browser allows). Site default is used as fallback.
Use time zone set from user...
Long date format Specify how Tiki displays the date (longer version) %A %B %e, %Y
Short date format Specify how Tiki displays the date (shorter version) %Y-%m-%d
Long time format Specify how Tiki displays the time (longer version) %H:%M:%S %Z
Short time format Specify how Tiki displays the time (shorter version) %H:%M
Short JavaScript date format Used in jQuery-UI date picker fields yy-mm-dd
Short JavaScript time format Used in jQuery-UI datetime picker fields HH:mm
Fields display order The order date field inputs should be listed in.
Day Month Year | Day Year Month | Month Day Year | Month Year Day | Year Day Month | Year Month Day
Month Day Year
Start year Year to show first in dropdown lists.
For example, use "-2" for the current year minus two, or "2010" for a specific year
-3 year(s)
End year Year to show last on dropdown lists.
For example, use "+2" for the current year plus two, or "2016" for a specific year
+1 year(s)
Select month in Date Picker Users can select month in the Date Picker instead of seeing month as text.
No | Yes
Select year in Date Picker Users can select year in the Date Picker instead of seeing year as text.
No | Yes
Use 12-hour clock for time selectors Use the 12-hour clock (with AM and PM) in some edit screens to set the time for publishing new or edited blog posts, articles, etc. Disabled
Skip date for same day When displaying short date and time, skip date for today. Only time will be displayed. Enabled
jQuery Timeago jQuery plugin for fuzzy timestamps. Disabled
Plugin Now Show the current date and time Enabled
Plugin Countdown Display the time until or after a date and time Disabled
Plugin Convene Suggest meeting dates and times and vote to select one Disabled
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.
Option Description Default
Time zone Indicates the default time zone to use for the server.
Africa/Abidjan | Africa/Accra | Africa/Addis_Ababa | Africa/Algiers | Africa/Asmara | Africa/Bamako | Africa/Bangui | Africa/Banjul | Africa/Bissau | Africa/Blantyre | Africa/Brazzaville | Africa/Bujumbura | Africa/Cairo | Africa/Casablanca | Africa/Ceuta | Africa/Conakry | Africa/Dakar | Africa/Dar_es_Salaam | Africa/Djibouti | Africa/Douala | Africa/El_Aaiun | Africa/Freetown | Africa/Gaboron...
Displayed time zone Use time zone set from user preferences, or the automatically detected time zone for anonymous (if browser allows). Site default is used as fallback.
Always the site default time zone. | Use time zone set from user preferences, or the automatically detected time zone for anonymous (if browser allows). Site default is used as fallback.
Use time zone set from user...
Long date format Specify how Tiki displays the date (longer version) %A %B %e, %Y
Short date format Specify how Tiki displays the date (shorter version) %Y-%m-%d
Long time format Specify how Tiki displays the time (longer version) %H:%M:%S %Z
Short time format Specify how Tiki displays the time (shorter version) %H:%M
Short JavaScript date format Used in jQuery-UI date picker fields yy-mm-dd
Short JavaScript time format Used in jQuery-UI datetime picker fields HH:mm
Fields display order The order date field inputs should be listed in.
Day Month Year | Day Year Month | Month Day Year | Month Year Day | Year Day Month | Year Month Day
Month Day Year
Start year Year to show first in dropdown lists.
For example, use "-2" for the current year minus two, or "2010" for a specific year
-3 year(s)
End year Year to show last on dropdown lists.
For example, use "+2" for the current year plus two, or "2016" for a specific year
+1 year(s)
Select month in Date Picker Users can select month in the Date Picker instead of seeing month as text.
No | Yes
Select year in Date Picker Users can select year in the Date Picker instead of seeing year as text.
No | Yes
Use 12-hour clock for time selectors Use the 12-hour clock (with AM and PM) in some edit screens to set the time for publishing new or edited blog posts, articles, etc. Disabled
Skip date for same day When displaying short date and time, skip date for today. Only time will be displayed. Enabled
jQuery Timeago jQuery plugin for fuzzy timestamps. Disabled
Plugin Now Show the current date and time Enabled
Plugin Countdown Display the time until or after a date and time Disabled
Plugin Convene Suggest meeting dates and times and vote to select one Disabled
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.
Option Description Default
Time zone Indicates the default time zone to use for the server.
Africa/Abidjan | Africa/Accra | Africa/Addis_Ababa | Africa/Algiers | Africa/Asmara | Africa/Bamako | Africa/Bangui | Africa/Banjul | Africa/Bissau | Africa/Blantyre | Africa/Brazzaville | Africa/Bujumbura | Africa/Cairo | Africa/Casablanca | Africa/Ceuta | Africa/Conakry | Africa/Dakar | Africa/Dar_es_Salaam | Africa/Djibouti | Africa/Douala | Africa/El_Aaiun | Africa/Freetown | Africa/Gaboron...
Displayed time zone Use time zone set from user preferences, or the automatically detected time zone for anonymous (if browser allows). Site default is used as fallback.
Always the site default time zone. | Use time zone set from user preferences, or the automatically detected time zone for anonymous (if browser allows). Site default is used as fallback.
Use time zone set from user...
Long date format Specify how Tiki displays the date (longer version) %A %B %e, %Y
Short date format Specify how Tiki displays the date (shorter version) %Y-%m-%d
Long time format Specify how Tiki displays the time (longer version) %H:%M:%S %Z
Short time format Specify how Tiki displays the time (shorter version) %H:%M
Short JavaScript date format Used in jQuery-UI date picker fields yy-mm-dd
Short JavaScript time format Used in jQuery-UI datetime picker fields HH:mm
Fields display order The order date field inputs should be listed in.
Day Month Year | Day Year Month | Month Day Year | Month Year Day | Year Day Month | Year Month Day
Month Day Year
Start year Year to show first in dropdown lists.
For example, use "-2" for the current year minus two, or "2010" for a specific year
-3 year(s)
End year Year to show last on dropdown lists.
For example, use "+2" for the current year plus two, or "2016" for a specific year
+1 year(s)
Select month in Date Picker Users can select month in the Date Picker instead of seeing month as text.
No | Yes
Select year in Date Picker Users can select year in the Date Picker instead of seeing year as text.
No | Yes
Use 12-hour clock for time selectors Use the 12-hour clock (with AM and PM) in some edit screens to set the time for publishing new or edited blog posts, articles, etc. Disabled
Skip date for same day When displaying short date and time, skip date for today. Only time will be displayed. Enabled
jQuery Timeago jQuery plugin for fuzzy timestamps. Disabled
Plugin Now Show the current date and time. Enabled
Plugin Countdown Display the time until or after a date and time Disabled
Plugin Convene Suggest meeting dates and times and vote to select one. Disabled
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.
Option Description Default
Time zone Indicates the default time zone to use for the server.
Africa/Abidjan | Africa/Accra | Africa/Addis_Ababa | Africa/Algiers | Africa/Asmara | Africa/Bamako | Africa/Bangui | Africa/Banjul | Africa/Bissau | Africa/Blantyre | Africa/Brazzaville | Africa/Bujumbura | Africa/Cairo | Africa/Casablanca | Africa/Ceuta | Africa/Conakry | Africa/Dakar | Africa/Dar_es_Salaam | Africa/Djibouti | Africa/Douala | Africa/El_Aaiun | Africa/Freetown | Africa/Gaboron...
Displayed time zone Use time zone set from user preferences, or the automatically detected time zone for anonymous (if browser allows). Site default is used as fallback.
Always the site default time zone. | Use time zone set from user preferences, or the automatically detected time zone for anonymous (if browser allows). Site default is used as fallback.
Use time zone set from user...
Long date format Specify how Tiki displays the date (longer version) %A %B %e, %Y
Short date format Specify how Tiki displays the date (shorter version) %Y-%m-%d
Long time format Specify how Tiki displays the time (longer version) %H:%M:%S %Z
Short time format Specify how Tiki displays the time (shorter version) %H:%M
Short JavaScript date format Used in jQuery-UI date picker fields yy-mm-dd
Short JavaScript time format Used in jQuery-UI datetime picker fields HH:mm
Fields display order The order date field inputs should be listed in.
Day Month Year | Day Year Month | Month Day Year | Month Year Day | Year Day Month | Year Month Day
Month Day Year
Start year Year to show first in dropdown lists.
For example, use "-2" for the current year minus two, or "2010" for a specific year
-3 year(s)
End year Year to show last on dropdown lists.
For example, use "+2" for the current year plus two, or "2016" for a specific year
+1 year(s)
Use 12-hour clock for time selectors Use the 12-hour clock (with AM and PM) in some edit screens to set the time for publishing new or edited blog posts, articles, etc. Disabled
Skip date for same day When displaying short date and time, skip date for today. Only time will be displayed. Enabled
jQuery Timeago jQuery plugin for fuzzy timestamps. Disabled
Plugin Now Show the current date and time. Enabled
Plugin Countdown Display the time until or after a date and time Disabled
Plugin TimeSheet Embed a timesheet into a page Disabled
Plugin Convene Suggest meeting dates and times and vote to select one. Disabled
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.

Tip Tip: When you save your changes, Tiki will display a sample of the selected date and time formats.

Date and Time Formats

See http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php for more information on PHP date and time formats.


Format Character Description
%a Abbreviated weekday name according to the current locale
%A Full weekday name according to the current locale
%d Day of the month as a decimal number (range 01 to 31)
%e Day of the month as a decimal number, a single digit is preceded by a space (range 1 to 31)
%u Day of the week as a decimal, with 1 representing Monday (range 1 to 7)
%w Day of the week as a decimal, with 0 being Sunday (range 0 to 6)
%j Day of the year as a decimal number (range 001 to 366)
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.


Format Character Description
%U Week number of the current year as a decimal number, starting with the first Sunday as the first day of the first week
%W Week number of the current year as a decimal number, starting with the first Monday as the first day of the first week
%V The ISO 8601:1988 week number of the current year as a decimal number, range 01 to 53, where week 1 is the first week that has at least 4 days in the current year, and with Monday as the first day of the week. (Use %G or %g for the year component that corresponds to the week number for the specified timestamp.)
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.


Format Character Description
%b Abbreviated month name according to the current locale
%B Full month name according to the current locale
%m Month as a decimal number (range 01 to 12)
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.


Format Character Description
%C Century number (the year divided by 100 and truncated to an integer, range 00 to 99)
%G The 4-digit year corresponding to the ISO week number (see %V). This has the same format and value as %Y, except that if the ISO week number belongs to the previous or next year, that year is used instead.
%g Like %G, but without the century.
%y Year as a decimal number without a century (range 00 to 99)
%Y Year as a decimal number including the century
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.


Format Character Description
%H Hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock (range 00 to 23)
%I Hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock (range 01 to 12)
%M Minute as a decimal number
%p Either am or pm according to the given time value, or the corresponding strings for the current locale
%r Time in a.m. and p.m. notation
%R Time in 24 hour notation
%S Second as a decimal number
%T Current time, equal to %H:%M:%S
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.


Format Character Description
%c Preferred date and time representation for the current locale
%x Preferred date representation for the current locale without the time
%X Preferred time representation for the current locale without the date
%D Same as %m/%d/%y
%h Same as %b
%n Newline character
%t Tab character
%Z or %z Time zone or name or abbreviation
%% A literal % character
Unable to load the jQuery Sortable Tables feature.