
This feature allows the user to record a web session and to replay it. On replay the pages will be compared to see if some changes occurred in between.

How to use Feature

Enable the Feature:
Settings > Control Panels > Features > Page > Admin features > TikiTests

After enabling the feature you need to affect permission to use the TikiTests to groups of users.


Requirement : you need PHP5 ! I will try to make it work for php4 but it is not very high on my list.


Permission Description
tiki_p_admin_tikitests Allow to Administer the TikiTests
tiki_p_edit_tikitests Allow to Edit TikiTests
tiki_p_play_tikitests Allow to Replay TikiTests


You can have quick links to TikiTests by adding the tikitests module to your modules list. Go to the Modules admin page and add it. This will allow you to see links to list tests, or to create new test.

Recording a Test

If you have added the TikiTests module to your side/top bar then click on the link 'Create a TikiTest', else go to tiki_tests/tiki-tests_record.php.

You have to enter the name of the test, it is the name of the XML file that will hold all the recorded informations. This file will be in tiki_tests/tests/<the_name_you_entered>.xml.

You can check the checkbox 'Use Current Session' if you don't want that TikiTest log you out before the recording starts. If you don't check the box you will logout and you will record a full session with login and navigation.

Once you press the button 'Start Recording the Test' you will see a top bar that allows you to :


You can see the list of tests created with 'tiki-tests_list.php' :


Edit a TikiTest

To edit a TikiTest go to the TikiTests list and select 'Edit'.


You will see all the URL recorded, you will be able to :

Xpath expression

To have a full xpath syntax reference please consult the page http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath on the W3C web site.

As an example :

Copy to clipboard
select all the div from the page where the attribute 'id' is equal to 'tiki-center'

Replay a TikiTest

To Replay a TikiTest go to the TikiTests list and select replay.

You will have the chance to modify the options of the tests :

Then Click on 'Replay', wait for the test to be done.

At the end you will be presented with the results of the test URL by URL.

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Developer Notes

This feature is in early development stage. It works for me, but bugs may be here !
Please report bugs or add developer notes at http://dev.tiki.org/TikiTests

Developers Contact

Stéphane Casset <sept@logidee.com>

History Source