
Plugin RSS

Use this wiki plugin to display items received from an external RSS feed that has been set up in the external feed feature (at tiki-admin_rssmodules.php ). See External Feeds on how to set up Tiki to receive external feeds, which will need to be done first before using this plugin. For outgoing RSS feeds, see Feeds.


Display items from one or more RSS feeds
Introduced in Tiki 1. Required parameters are in bold.
Go to the source code
Preferences required: wikiplugin_rss

Parameters Accepted Values Description Default Since
id int
separator: :
List of feed IDs separated by colons. ex: feedId:feedId2 1
desclen digits Max characters/length, truncates text to fit design 0 10.1
icon url URL to a favicon to put before each entry 5.0
max int Number of results displayed. 10 1
author (blank)
Show authors (not shown by default) 0 1
date (blank)
Show date of each item (not shown by default) 0 1
desc (blank)
Show feed descriptions (not shown by default) 0 1
showtitle (blank)
Show the title of the feed (shown by default) 1 6.0
ticker (blank)
Turn static feed display into ticker news like 1 10.1

Usage notes

  • feedId is the id of the feed set up at Settings > External Feeds (or tiki-admin_rssmodules.php ), max is the number of shown entries, date and author (optional) are added if set to 1 , and hidden if set to 0 , desc is a short description of the current rss item (optional).

You can also combine feeds by indicating 1:2 , or 1:2:3 to add feeds together. Note, however, that if you are combining feeds, "show publish date" must be checked in the Feeds module settings, in order to allow this plugin to sort the combined feeds.


Let's say you wish to display the list of last 3 items of a feed with the Id of 1 inside a Wiki page. Simply include this in your page, with date, but no author:

Copy to clipboard
{rss id="1" max="3" date="1" author="0" desc="1"}

On this site, this would produce:

  • WikiSuite is 13 years old!    ()
    So I launched this 13 years ago! I am very pleased with the current state and progress. It will just get better and better as the community grows Here were the initial vision/goals/plans: A slideshow: https://wikisuite.org/Initial-Slideshow An interview (in French): https://wikisuite.org/Initial-Interview It was originally called "Tiki Suite" as a suite of tools around Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware, and also because suite also means next in French. So the next step for Tiki
  • A giant in Open Source: Jonny Bradley's 10,000 Commits to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware    ()
    In the dynamic realm of Open Source collaboration, where lines of code narrate tales of dedication, Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware stands out as a versatile and robust platform, empowering communities with a comprehensive suite of content management, collaboration, and communication tools. Within this vibrant ecosystem, Jonny Bradley reflects the spirit of community-driven projects. With over 10,000 commits to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware, Jonny's journey represents more than a numerical milestone; it's a saga of commitment, growth, and the enduring power of shared passion.
  • Happy 21st Anniversary, Tiki!    ()
    Today, we raise a virtual toast to celebrate the remarkable journey of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware as it turns 21. What began as a modest wiki with extras in 2002 has blossomed into a versatile web application, shaping the landscape of intranets, websites, portals, knowledge bases, and more. Tiki has not just stood the test of time; it has evolved into a tech powerhouse.

Now you want the same using a "Ticker like" effect:

Copy to clipboard
{rss id="1"max="3" date="1" author="0" desc="1" ticker="1" desclen="50"}

On this site, this would produce:

  • WikiSuite is 13 years old!    ()
    So I launched this 13 years ago! I am very pleased with the current state and progress. It will just get better and better as the community grows Here were the initial vision/goals/plans: A slideshow: https://wikisuite.org/Initial-Slideshow An interview (in French): https://wikisuite.org/Initial-Interview It was ...
  • A giant in Open Source: Jonny Bradley's 10,000 Commits to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware    ()
    In the dynamic realm of Open Source collaboration, where lines of code narrate tales of dedication, Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware stands out as a versatile and robust platform, empowering communities with a comprehensive suite of content management, collaboration, and communication tools. Within this vibrant ecosystem, Jonny Bradley reflects the spirit ...
  • Happy 21st Anniversary, Tiki!    ()
    Today, we raise a virtual toast to celebrate the remarkable journey of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware as it turns 21. What began as a modest wiki with extras in 2002 has blossomed into a versatile web application, shaping the landscape of intranets, websites, portals, knowledge bases, and more. Tiki has not just ...

Smarty Feeds Function

You can also include a feed in a wiki page by using the Feeds Smarty function ( lib\smarty_tiki\function.rss.php ). Its usage is:

Copy to clipboard
{rss id="5" max="10"}

Parameters for Smarty Function

id ID mandatory ID of the rss
max number optional max number of objects to show
skip numbers separated by comma optional the objects to skip. Ex: 1,3 will skip the first object and the third one

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